Virtual Machines Are Fleeting Things

On avoiding the pain of attachment

Coda Hale
4 min readFeb 23, 2017


Fine weather, isn’t it?

Last month, AWS sent us an email regretfully informing us that the hardware running one of our instances had begun to fail. They gave us two weeks to move our data, if we could, to a new instance. I smiled, hit the archive button, and confidently went about the rest of my day. We’d long since terminated that instance, and our software had already moved on. At other companies, an instance retirement email means a day’s work for someone. My happy indifference to the loss of instancei-0b3baeac82b2b8461 was a direct result of a key design decision we made when building Skyliner: Skyliner performs everything — builds and deploys — by launching new, impermanent EC2 instances. The result is a dramatically simpler system, and thus a more reliable and operable system.

At the lowest level, deploying with fresh, purpose-specific instances means there is zero risk of accidental state from the last deploy: no conflicting system packages, no mangled symlinks, no zombie processes, no old configuration files. This radically reduces the path dependence of builds and deploys, which in turn increases their reliability and operability. When a deploy fails, you don’t need to consider the entire history of a server—you can be confident that the failure is scoped to that deploy’s (hopefully small) diff.

The cumulative effect of this elimination of accidental state is a radically reduced divergence from an ideal state over time. If an engineer manually logs into one of the servers to debug something, whatever changes they may make—installing a package, modifying a configuration file, taking a heap dump—automatically disappear after the next deploy, instead of when said engineer diligently remembers to roll back all of the changes they made when trying to diagnose an outage at 3am. If a developer forgets to delete their temporary files or debug logging is accidentally enabled for everything, those files vanish after the next deploy. Like apoptosis, continuously destroying and creating instances makes it nearly impossible to accumulate error.

Instance impermanence is also a helpful invariant for steering applications themselves towards more reliable architectures. The ability to depend on local storage as long-term persistence is a kind of false affordance: it implicitly makes the promise to application developers that /tmp is not, despite the name, actually temporary. A classic example of this are web applications which store session data as temporary files (e.g. Rails circa 2006). When working on and deploying to permanent servers, it’s easy for a developer (e.g. me circa early 2006) to build software on top of that false affordance of permanence (e.g. authentication circa early 2006) with significant reliability and operability problems (e.g. inode exhaustion from old session files, logging out all users from cleaning up what I thought were old session files, kernel locks and corrupted data from trying to store the sessions on an NFS server circa mid-2006) which would not have happened with an alternate architecture (e.g. storing sessions in memcached circa late 2006). (It was a different time.)

Unsurprisingly, this invariant is also helpful in guiding infrastructure applications like Skyliner towards simpler, more reliable architectures. In particular, it collapses provisioning, deployment, and configuration management into a single, highly reliable pathway. Need more capacity? Launch new instances. Want to deploy your changes? Launch new instances. Want to change the configuration? Launch new instances. In systems with separate provisioning, deployment, and configuration management processes, it’s common for the less frequently used processes to be slow, complex, and unreliable: deploys are pleasant, installing a new package for an application takes half a day wrestling with Puppet, and provisioning additional capacity is a full-on devops adaptation of Voltaire’s Candide. By combining those pathways, we ensure that an improvement for one is an improvement for all, and its constant operation gives us confidence in our ability to perform more infrequent tasks like provisioning and configuration.

Finally, a focus on new instances means being able to take advantage of key AWS technologies like autoscaling groups. Every Skyliner application is deployed in an autoscaling group, which makes recovering from instance crashes or retirement automatic. Skyliner is itself a Skyliner application, so when I read that email about poor instance i-0b3baeac82b2b8461, I could simply smile and get back to work.

This post is about the design principles that inform Skyliner. Skyliner is a continuous delivery launch platform for AWS, and is free for personal use. Sign up today!

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