A day in 2040

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4 min readApr 20, 2018

“The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams” — Eleanor Roosevelt

Some brilliant authors have entertained us with either scary or inspirational tales about our possible future. Depending on the dystopian or utopian vision that anyone has, we all try to imagine our future, on the base of the current knowledge we possess.

However, most of the circumstances we are experiencing today, have surprised us, since they were unpredictable. Several experts try to forecast what it is going to happen in the next decades, using complex algorithms, predictive analytics, trends research and insights about new technologies in progress. The point is we cannot exactly forecast how human being will handle innovation and which new challenges we will have to face.

Some predictions for 2040

Looking at the current growth trend, world population is estimated to reach around 9,157,233,000 people (source: population pyramid). This is already creating an impact on the way food production is being rethought, as the current one is unsustainable.

This means we have to be prepared to eat insects!

Fortunately this is not the only measure put in place, as several projects are in progress to produce artificial tissues, that look and taste like real meat, without the need for living animals. The way we will commute will be very different from the one we know, as self-driving cars and systems like Hyperloop will replace traditional means of transport. Travelling to Mars might be an available option for holidays, of course only for those who can afford it!

Researches in gene therapy, nanotechnologies and stem cells, will allow boosting our longevity and make us look much younger. Every genetic illness will be eliminated at fetus level during gestation. Wearable technologies and prosthetics advancements, will not only solve day-to-day problems, but will also provide us with empowered abilities. With the fast pace of the Internet of Things, the global number of Internet connected devices will dramatically increase, up to 100 billion estimated, as we will manage nearly every aspect of our life through internet connections: from home control, to social communications; from ordering food to having a virtual check-up with our doctor.

With the advancements in neuroscience, high bandwidth brain-machine interfaces will connect humans and computers. However, the current concept of computers will be considered outdated, since connected devices will be ubiquitous.

In such a decentralized system, Identity, security and data ownership will become fundamental aspects of our connected life. Internet will be much faster, with new ways of distribution and processing, like Li-fi technology and quantum computers.

The energy production will be another key factor, as it will have to keep up with our growing needs, but through a more sustainable model than it is now, with renewable energies replacing fossil fuels for the majority of activities. In addition, the energy-sharing model will change, as more self-produced and off-the-grid systems will become more popular. Cities will also change their aspect, with green multifunctional skyscrapers. With 3D printers, we will be able to produce a customized version of nearly every product on our own.

Flash-forward to an ordinary day in 2040

Imagine you wake up in a domotics equipped flat, where you can control any setting, from heating to light, literally with a blink of an eye or thanks to artificial intelligence, while robots lead household activities. You can do a fast health checkup and receive suggestions about the most adequate food to have for breakfast accordingly. Imagine then that you 3D print your own breakfast or you have it delivered by a drone.

You then reach your next appointment by taking a self-driving car. You are meeting an international group of people, where, thanks to your wearable translation devices, you are able to communicate without any language barrier. You can then organize a conference call with your colleague based 10,000 miles away, thanks to virtual reality teleconferencing, and feeling you are both in the same room, next to each other.

Afterwork entertainment offers a wide variety of possibilities: thanks to augmented reality, you can see your favorite singer performing right in your living room! And you only pay for the contents you consume, thanks to blockchain. This is just a glimpse of our future, as we cannot really predict how humans will interact with new technologies when they will become mainstream.

However, we seem to be moving toward a promising future.

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