Converting yourself into your main asset

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4 min readMar 22, 2018

“If you do what you’ve always done, you’ll get what you’ve always gotten.” — Tony Robbins — life and business strategist.

Unceasing evolution is part of human nature, as we live in an environment that is continuously changing and we need to adapt to it, at all levels.

Only a few decades ago, a person used to work for one or two companies all along his/her life. Nowadays situations change fast: companies’ downsizing, mergers and acquisitions, automation, restructurings or strategy redefinitions, are just a few of the reasons that cause professionals to face a career shift, in a shorter time than they were used to.

Since our job is an important part of our life in all aspects, we have nearly forgotten how to define ourselves as a person.

We begin our life being the son/daughter to someone, then we start higher education, and suddenly we start identifying with our studies, introducing ourselves like: “I am a student in economics… I am in a PhD program… I have a degree in Engineering…”

We enter the professional world and rapidly we start identifying ourselves with our position “I am a web designer….I am a marketing manager ….”

We seem to have lost the habit to define ourselves as unique individuals, without mentioning a standard title.

Unpredictable circumstances frequently affect the psychological condition of individuals. Sometimes challenging situations force us to improve ourselves and grow in a new direction.

““Change is your friend not your foe; change is a brilliant opportunity to grow.”” — Simon Theophilus Bailey — author, life coach and entrepreneur.

If we are planning to redefine our career path, we will need to redefine our competences and our goals, with a new and fresh perspective.

Whenever defining a new path, it is key to set up our personal GPS with a starting point and a target point. What is the hardest part in this process? Identifying where we, as a person, stand; spot our main ambitions; recognize our talents in order to boost them. We should shift our focus from an identity-less approach (“I work for a company, I am part of an organization, etc.”) to a proactive, action oriented and more human-centered one (“I am talented in…”, “I must learn how to….”, “I must improve in…”).

Investing in ourselves should be one of our main priorities, for both personal and professional life. Why should we invest in ourselves, by learning new skills? Here a few answers:

  • Only by exploring new fields we can tap into our deepest source of talents, passions and creativity
  • The discovery of new areas for improvement not only gives us a new set of skills, but it also opens up to new questions, leading to a lifelong learning process
  • It is a gift to ourselves, with the aim to feel unique, motivated and proud
  • Our brain is a “muscle” which needs a continuous training to perform at its best
  • A new perspective opens the doors to new opportunities
  • Last, but not least: we have nothing to lose in acquiring new competences!

Progress has made easier to learn new skills, even on a small budget. We literally have the world at disposal to learn whatever we want. E-learning industry has dramatically increased in the last years, thanks to the urge for investing in talent, from both companies and individuals. However, some people are still reluctant in investing in their own talents, as they feel doubtful about having enough opportunities to show their achievements.

How can we quantify the return on investment for our newly acquired skills?

There is a need of a trustworthy platform where we can highlight and track our results.

Skyllz is an open source Blockchain-based skill-validation protocol, whose aim is to replace resumes with a unified, portable and trustworthy online reputation, responding to the new paradigm of lifelong learning (traditional and new education systems, self-development, etc…).

Skyllz is designed to integrate all the applications around skills acquisition, improvement and application in a unique ecosystem where Edtech, e-learning, job-related and talent-related platforms can add and get value, thanks to the Proof-of-Skill protocol and Skyllz Tokens, the gas fueling the ecosystem.

Our mission is to create an inspirational ecosystem, where only positive skills are validated and traceable. Users feel then motivated to add more skills layers on top of the existing ones, literally building up a tangible reputation.

Individuals become empowered, as they can convert themselves in their main asset, and their knowledge is recognized and rewarded.

Invest in your talents, join Skyllz’s revolution! 🚀

P.S: for more info, join our community!




Editor for | First blockchain based and distributed skills validation protocol to showcase, track and boost human talents across applications.