From Talent Branding to Proof-of-Skill

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3 min readApr 5, 2018

In a world that is global and connected, with a lot of information at disposal, as a professional it is important to stand out of the crowd. The same techniques applied for companies marketing, have to be adopted for personal branding. As an individual, same as for an organization, we need to identify our core values and our strength points to market them; we need to promote our talents.

Talent Branding is a methodology that focuses on applying branding techniques to individuals, by enhancing their talents. Being a personal asset, our talent has to be measurable, through reliable metrics.

Our mission at Skyllz is to provide everyone with a powerful tool to build a strong, portable and trustworthy reputation online, thanks to the Proof-of-Skill protocol, through a decentralized platform. Proof-of-Skill represents the reputation related to every specific skill an individual has; it is cumulative, with skills registered as annotations on the Ethereum Blockchain. This protocol unifies and tracks the validation of any skill acquired, improved or applied across the applications of the platform, by means of smart contracts, thanks to a Blockchain-based decentralized database that keeps records of sequential actions.

Proof-of-Skill as a concept has the following fundamental features:

  • Being publicly accessible to anyone in the platform and outside the platform
  • Being trustworthy. A common set of rules, standards and processes guarantee that everybody gets the same opportunities under the same methodology moving trust from the platform (application) to the validation protocol (Skyllz)
  • Being immutable, as no one can tamper it.
  • Being traceable and shareable, and so portable across applications.

Blockchain technology provides all of these features, as its decentralized structure allows users sharing and tracking actions, with no possible alteration of data, as blocks are encrypted and unrepeatable by definition. To develop the Proof-of-skill concept at its best, Skyllz benefits of Ethereum platform, which allows the execution of smart contracts.

Smart contracts help users exchanging any valued information in a transparent, conflict-free way while avoiding frauds and/or third parties interference. Smart contracts clearly define rules and penalties around the execution of an agreement (same as a traditional contract), with the enormous advantage of automatically enforcing those obligations. Ethereum Blockchain and the smart contracts are the perfect system to perform a reliable protocol of skills validation, assessment and empowerment, where it is possible to track progresses and improvements.

The Skyllz Distributed Platform is based on the principle that all individuals are unique and have valuable talents to bring to the ecosystem. For this reason, only outstanding achievements must be considered to build up users’ reputation. When executing the smart contracts, only positive performances are annotated on the Blockchain. The full set of skills taken into account when processing the Proof-of-Skill is then representing the best talents of an individual.

This model reflects the bases that support any branding strategy applied to companies: highlighting the strength points, to be competitive on the market, by offering a unique service. In the same way, any individual needs to show his/her best abilities.

Skyllz helps individuals develop and showcase their value proposition.

How can you showcase them in a portable, trustworthy, accessible and perennial way?

Through a system which is distributed (then global), secure and portable, Skyllz provides a new concept of reputation. Proof-of-skill is meant to replace the resume, by responding to a lack of solutions in Talent Branding, as it will group different key factors of the digital era, such as:

  • Our data. Our reputation. Freely accessible (seems pretty straightforward but it is not always the case)
  • Showcasing only those talents we excel in
  • Being recognizable for a specific set of skills: our Unique Combination of Talents (UCT)
  • Adding value to our personal brand, our Talent Brand, every time we succeed in an achievement

The Sky-llz is the only limit! 🚀😁

P.S: for more info, join our community! 😉




Editor for | First blockchain based and distributed skills validation protocol to showcase, track and boost human talents across applications.