Skyllz and Blockchain Institute & Technology (BIT BCN).

Published in
2 min readMar 5, 2018

Skyllz is collaborating with BitBcn, to promote the Blockchain culture in Barcelona and throughout Spain.

Both Skyllz and BitBcn share a common strong commitment to support professionals in entering the job market, through a continuous improvement and learning-by-doing process.

Skyllz is an open source Blockchain-based skill-validation protocol, whose aim is to replace resumes with a unified, portable and trustworthy skill-related reputation, responding to the new paradigm in lifelong learning (traditional and new education systems, self-development…), and flexible workforce (remote and flexible jobs, independent contractors, freelancers…).

It is designed to integrate all the applications around skills acquisition, improvement, application and boosting in a unique ecosystem composed by e-learning platforms, job/freelancing applications and professional networks.

The Blockchain Institute & Technology (BIT BCN) is developing the first Blockchain and DLT’s bootcamp of Europe, for those who seek to learn and master the different programming environments around Bitcoin and Blockchain technologies.

The boot camp will start on March 2018 and will be built around two profiles: Business candidates & Developers candidates.

The Business candidates will dive deep into the foundations and rules that control cryptocurrencies, their dynamics, growth potential and investment possibilities.

The Developers candidates will learn how to develop apps using Solidity and Ethereum coding languages. Focusing on the conceptualization and maintenance of: Blockchain, mining systems, nodes, and wallets.

The Blockchain Boot camp will be based on a learning by doing method, looking to promote interactions between candidates, teachers and enterprises. With a set of interactive activities of design, analysis and hands-on work frames, directed by highly qualified staff of teachers, with international experience on the development and implementation of the Blockchain technology (visit BIT BCN and follow BIT BCN on Twitter, Facebook and Linkedin to learn more).

Skyllz is developing an open-source Application Programming Interface (API), which will be the service layer of the Skyllz Distributed Platform (SDP), connecting applications with the token and blockchain layers.

BitBcn will be one of the first platforms to connect with Skyllz’s API, allowing its students to access the SDP blockchain layer, where their skills will be validated.

Students attending the boot camp will then benefit of the connection between Skyllz and BitBcn, by having their skills registered on the Blockchain layer, where they will be able to share their trustworthy reputation.

Join Skyllz and BitBcn, be part of the 4.0 industry! 🚀

P.S: for more info, join our community!




Editor for | First blockchain based and distributed skills validation protocol to showcase, track and boost human talents across applications.