Talent Branding, your talent, your diamond

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3 min readMay 25, 2018

“Robots will harvest, cook, and serve our food. They will work in our factories, drive our cars, and walk our dogs. Like it or not, the age of work is coming to an end.” — Gray Scott, futurist, techno-philosopher and author.

We have surely heard several theories and dramatic predictions about robots stealing our jobs in the really next future. According to the Citi’s research “Technology at work v 2.0”, 47% of US jobs are at risk, while, across the OECD area, automation will have an impact on roughly 57% of jobs, and China will see the biggest threat, with potentially 77% of jobs replaced by automation. Professions like taxi drivers, telemarketer, cashiers, and legal assistants are more likely to be carried on by robots.

We might think that only repetitive tasks will be replaced by automation, but the truth is, with the current fast pace of AI and Machine Learning, many human abilities will be covered, including the strangest ones.

If we thought artistic performances like dancing and modeling were just human prerogatives, we have surely been astonished to see dancing robots and catwalks realized with drones. Empathy and creativity will come next. Shall we just assume that we will lose our job in the near future, and start dreaming of a utopian world, where robots will manage everything?

“By failing to prepare, you are preparing to fail” — Benjamin Franklin, scientist, inventor and politician

Most of us are running like a hamster in its wheel, without wondering whether his/her job is meaningful. Eventually, we will need to discover our deepest motivations and passions, as they represent our unique core values to distinguish us from robots.

Some reasons to be positive about technology

We do not have to underestimate the big challenges introduced by a strongly automated environment, but at the same time, we have to consider technology as a powerful tool to provide humans with new opportunities, enabling us to reach unpredictable goals. Looking back at the humankind history, technology has generally helped to reduce dangerous and exhausting jobs. New technologies have brought new habits and, as a consequence, new needs and new professional profiles. Technology has improved overall our quality of life, boosting our interests for more intellectual activities.

Chances are, same as it happened in past times, new technologies will bring more benefits than troubles, introducing new lifestyles and leading to a world of unimaginable opportunities.

Your distinctive set of talents

In a world that is becoming every day more connected and global, it is mandatory to think about individuals as if they were a company. Each company has its core values and missions, and so do professionals. Certifications are too general and do not define the overall sphere of competencies distinguishing every person. Resumes and CVs are outdated presentations, as they do not allow highlighting our complete set of talents.

“The keys to brand success are self-definition, transparency, authenticity and accountability.” — Simon Mainwaring, social media specialist and author.

The first steps toward the definition of our reputation are the identification and reliable statement of our best talents and skills. Here is where blockchain technology helps us redefining the concept of Talent Branding.

Skyllz is an open source blockchain-based protocol to replace resumes with a unified, portable and trustworthy skill-related reputation that responds to the new paradigm in lifelong learning and flexible workforce. Skills are validated in a distributed and unbiased way thanks to a third party community of qualified raters that act as oracles of the ecosystem.

Skyllz aims to build a universal and evolving Human Skills Ecosystem, where only positive achievements are registered, in order to replace resumes with Proof-of-Skill (reputation), in a meritocratic environment, where people’s talents are converted into their main assets, and rewarded thanks to the Skyllz Tokens (the gas of the ecosystem).

Join Talent Branding revolution, join Skyllz!

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https://skyllz.org | First blockchain based and distributed skills validation protocol to showcase, track and boost human talents across applications.