The 7 principles of the Skyllz Distributed Platform.

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3 min readFeb 23, 2018

Skyllz is an open source, Blockchain-based skill-validation protocol to unify, validate, and track professional skills across applications, in a distributed and impartial way. This is possible thanks to a third party community of qualified Raters, who act as oracles of the ecosystem. Our mission is to build a universal and evolving Human Skills Ecosystem that replaces resumes and convert talents into individuals’ main assets.

Based on the Workkola experience, Skyllz Distributed Platform is it’s natural evolution, built on seven important pillars.

  1. The Meritocracy Rule
    Skyllz is designed to empower individuals on the base of their unique talents and abilities. The aim is to build a solid reputation, to overcome career restrictions represented by gender, race, country of residence, or social, economic and education background. This groundbreaking platform disrupts the current work marketplace paradigm, allowing job seekers to capitalize, improve and develop their inner potential, without any external limitation.
  2. The Distribution of Power Rule
    - Qualifier Power:
    At least three anonymous ratings from different Raters are mandatorily requested in order to resolve the overall rating. This rating triggers the smart contract that allocates a Proof-of-Skill to a pre-specified skillset and, if appropriate, transfers SKT token to the user.
    - Decision-making Power: working in tandem with the Meritocracy Rule, all crucial decisions with a direct impact on the Skyllz ecosystem, such as, but not limited to, its Partners, its Raters and its next milestones and governance, will be decided by Proof-of-Skill holders, along with SKT holders, in a decentralized voting system.
    - Data Ownership Power: Disrupting monopolization of data ownership, all the data related to Proof-of-Skill and Skyllz Tokens transactions are publicly accessible. STapps are welcome to design profitable business models around the data, but cannot lock or restrict the public information to themselves.
  3. The Unbiased Rule
    Users and Raters need to remain anonymous during the Rating Period, in order to avoid influences, biases and possible corruption of the validation system. This is crucial to free the process from any prejudiced interference.
  4. The Inter-connected Impact Rule
    The whole ecosystem is intended to create and add value to the collaboration between all agents. The ecosystem will accept only solutions bringing a positive impact for all participants. The impact generated is positive at any level: for users, who will be judged solely on their ability to solve challenges; for Raters who will become more powerful depending on their activity; for companies, which will be finally able to easily spot talented people, on the base of trustworthy metrics.
  5. The Transparency Rule
    Every new skill or skill set created, and any annotation or update of Proof-of-Skill and SKT transaction is recorded and publicly accessible by anyone,
    avoiding data ownership by centralized institutions. In a traditional centralized architecture, data are stored and managed by a few key players, which can use them for business purpose. Blockchain, being a decentralized model, guarantees data ownership to the users.
  6. The Positive Achievement Rule
    Skyllz wants to create a universal and evolving Human Skills Ecosystem that replaces resumes, based on individuals’ capabilities and potential.
    The SDP only tracks positive achievements of their users to incentivize shareability. It will never store under-qualifying performance. This is both reassuring for the quality of the ecosystem and inspirational for users, who will be motivated to improve continuously.
  7. The Game-changing Rule
    Every solution, feature or improvement on the SDP or the Skyllz ecosystem as a whole, should focus on innovation and adaptability to the market and the society needs. As a Blockchain-based platform, Skyllz is committed to provide beneficial solutions, to transform Talent Branding environment and help eliminating old-structures problems.

Join Skyllz’s revolution! 🚀😁

P.S: for more info, join our community! 😉




Editor for | First blockchain based and distributed skills validation protocol to showcase, track and boost human talents across applications.