The human skills cycle.

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2 min readMar 7, 2018

“Talent is cheaper than table salt. What separates the talented individual from the successful one is a lot of hard work.” ― Stephen King

In the last decade, the technology fast pace has led to the rise of new jobs in different areas: big data analytics, new coding technologies, and new marketing techniques.

Workforce habits have also switched from an office-based model to more flexible and remote solutions.

“Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world” — Nelson Mandela

Traditional education does not proceed at the same velocity of the market requirements, while new knowledge acquisition channels have appeared, such as e-learning, bootcamps, MOOCs, how-to videos on YouTube. As a result of “commoditization” of degrees a new era of “show me what you’re able to do” has started. Because of this hard skills allocation system, contextualization has become key, as part of individuals’ soft skills.

One more aspect, which describes us as a professional, is our attitude, which defines how we multiply the effects of skills acquisition, allocation and contextualization.

A complete human skills cycle can then be described as follows:

  • Acquisition, which is the phase of pure learning, through any of the channels we have at disposal nowadays
  • Allocation, which is the application of the capabilities acquired when dealing with a specific contest (hard skills)
  • Contextualization, which is related to the way knowledge is applied (soft skills)
  • Boosting, which defines the attitude of a professional to multiply the effects of skills acquisition, allocation and contextualizing.

What is the current situation of the market?

For skills acquisition and sharing there is a wide range of solutions, having a significant growth. Forecasts about Edtech solutions, for example, predict an overall market of $94billions by 2020, where the current Edtech market relies mainly on skill-acquisition-related platforms for e-learning or Learning Management System.

There is still a huge room for technology-based solutions dedicated to skills allocation (online portfolios), skills contextualization (soft-skills-related platforms) or even skills boosters (platforms that will enhance values or will get attitudinal metrics and profiles from their users).

Skyllz is an open source and Blockchain-based protocol for skill-validation to validate and track professional skills across applications, through a distributed and unbiased process, which relies on a third party community of qualified Raters.

Our mission is to build a universal and evolving Positive Skills Ecosystem, by replacing resumes with a human-centered system of validations.

With its groundbreaking concept, Skyllz platform covers the complete human skills cycle, and enhance the value of personal talents, instilling ambition for a continuous improvement, to build assets based on positive skills.

Join Skyllz’s revolution in Talent Branding! 🚀

P.S: for more info, join our community!




Editor for | First blockchain based and distributed skills validation protocol to showcase, track and boost human talents across applications.