What would you do if your money could not buy…?

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4 min readMar 15, 2018

“There is a gigantic difference between earning a great deal of money and being rich.” — Marlene Dietrich (1901–1992)

In a world that is, definitely and with no doubt, so materialistic, we have changed our perception of values. This “monetize-nearly-everything” trend has led humans to define a set of priorities that hardly meets with the definition of wealth.

What is money in the end?

If we make an historical analysis, we discover the reason behind the creation of money was merely having a medium of exchange to execute transactions. Over the centuries, the form of money has changed, from barter to precious metals, from printed-paper to digital transactions. The point is money has no intrinsic value, except for the one that institutions attribute to it. What a fantastic creature is the human being! We have produced an unnatural mean of trading, to purchase stuff that Mother Nature provides us for free or to buy useless objects that are not necessary to survive!

Moreover, we even venerate this instrument, forgetting what it basically is: just a mean, not the goal.

The rise of cryptocurrencies has successfully demonstrated that a coin can be virtual, and become prized depending on the value that the crowd imputes to it. A few years ago, Bitcoin holders could hardly buy a cup of coffee with a few hundred Bitcoins, while today some of them are millionaires!

What would you do if you knew you could have all that you want, without money?

Would you still be doing the same job, keeping the same habits and lifestyle. Apparently, only 15% of people feel engaged at work (source Gallup poll). That means the 85% of workforce is solely committed to his/her job for economic reasons. What happens with our ambitions, our passions, and a meaningful life?

Happiness is not in the mere possession of money; it lies in the joy of achievement, in the thrill of creative effort. — Franklin D. Roosevelt

Does it make any sense to earn a lot money, if we spend most of our life feeling overwhelmed? It does not necessarily mean we have to quit our job and live like a hippie (unless this is what we really strongly desire!), nor that we would feel much better if we won the lottery: chances are we would still feel miserable and we would probably lose all our money in nonsense expenses, because of a wrong mindset. In fact, the majority of lottery winners end up broken, since they are not given a proper financial education on smart investing.

The good question is: if you could have anything for free, what would you buy? Would you invest in your personal growth? If you could do only activities that you really enjoy, no matter the compensation, what would you do? Which would your dream job be? If we could take money out of the equation (if I earn “X” then I can do “Y”) what would the REAL purpose of our life be?

I bet the answer is tough, since we have lost the contact with non-quantifiable life values.

Progress and technology have led to the dramatic reduction in price, or even the total demonetization, of many services that once used to be hardly affordable. Think about the advancements in the travel industry: you can now fly to your dream destination for a few dollars, thanks to low-cost solutions, last-minute offers, searching engines, etc. Do you remember when you had to buy an expensive GPS device? It is now available on your mobile for free. How easy is to find on Youtube a free course in any subject nowadays? A 3D printed house can be bought for a price as cheap as 10,000 USD (source: The Telegraph)

It is mind blowing, but, would you be surprised to discover that, in the really next future, most of the expensive stuff you desire today, might become much cheaper, obsolete, replaced by a new technology, or even available for free? These times we are living are amazing, because finally we have the opportunity to change our perspective, from following the crowd to deciding to invest in meaningful assets: ourselves, our personal growth, our inner passions, our experiences.

We are finally empowered to redefine our priorities toward a direction that is more human-centered.

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