White mirror: technology has a shiny side

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4 min readApr 9, 2018

Technology is nothing. What’s important is that you have a faith in people, that they’re basically good and smart, and if you give them tools, they’ll do wonderful things with them. Steve Jobs

Innovations have always divided opinions, since some people perceive them as an opportunity, while others are scared about them.

Why does this happen?

History is full of examples about amazingly positive inventions that have then been used for negative purposes. Think about dynamite, which was initially meant to ease the work of caves-digging, while then became popular for criminal acts.

New technology is not good or evil in and of itself. It’s all about how people choose to use it. David Wong

When it comes to the introduction of new technologies in an organization or in a society, there is always a strong resistance from potential users. This is because there is a natural tendency to resist the change, from human beings side. The reason to repel innovations depends frequently on the misinformation about them, an unclear vision about their purpose or lack of instructions on the usage of new tools. The advent of some of the groundbreaking technologies of the last decade is even more shocking as people feel worried about losing control.

If we think for a moment about self-driving cars, we still have in mind the first fatal crash that involved a pedestrian a few days ago. We are obviously concerned about our own safety, and at the same time worried about the psychological implications about hitting other people, without any possible influence on this circumstance.

When it comes to robotics, the repulse is even worse as it seems robots will steal up to 40% of our jobs by 2030 (source PWC study).

Internet of Things is supposed to help people in everyday life by dramatically changing our daily routine: the way we commute, the way we buy and cook food, the way we control energy consumption at home, etc.

Nevertheless, how many times did we see a horror film about machines that go crazy and start ruling the world? We daily experience some importance-less malfunctions (with the coffee machine, our mobile, the elevator, etc.), and we surely wonder how grave this could be if transposed to more sophisticated systems.

Most renowned influencers and technology experts are warning us about the implications of Artificial Intelligence, if not duly managed.

We also do know that AI will replace some job positions, but we also have to think that this will generate new opportunities with creativity. Professionals will be able to eliminate repetitive tasks and use their efforts in other more meaningful tasks.

We cannot stop the progress, as the only way to succeed for human beings is to evolve by embracing it. The good news is technology has a bright and reassuring side. Most of the time, we hardly see the bigger picture behind all the experiments and the studies going on. We are frequently scared about the possible consequences of DNA manipulation, or we do not appreciate the importance of investigations in bionics. However, if you doubt this endless research in science and technology makes sense, ask to those people who lost a leg or an arm, and today are back to their normal life, thanks to the improvement in prosthesis engineering, or imagine future human beings without any genetic illness.

If you are skeptic about food deriving from genetically modified organisms, you should also consider the implications of the consistent world population growth, with a consequent huge increase in energy and water consumption. Our actual alimentary habits are not sustainable for future generations. Even if we feel concerned about experiments on food, we have to acknowledge that its production will need a complete shift in the way is being carried on.

Blockchain itself has frequently been misinterpreted because of a few illicit Bitcoin usages for money laundering or illegal transactions. Nevertheless, this negative fame is relentlessly disappearing, as far as we discover a world of applications of this amazing technology, which have nothing to do with frauds, while they can actually improve humans’ lives.

We like to see it as the “White Mirror”, or the shiny side of Technology!

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