Why should I join Skyllz?

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3 min readJun 8, 2018

“The only way to make sense out of change is to plunge into it, move with it, and join the dance.” — Alan Watts, philosopher, writer and speaker

We live in such an interesting era, where technology is changing most of our life. We cannot struggle with the change; we can only embrace it and enjoy the journey. The rise of new technologies has led to some major changes in the employment scenario, but behind a challenge there is always an opportunity for growth. Job-Hunting is becoming tougher, and resumes represent more than ever an outdated presentation tool.

Skyllz is an open-source and blockchain-based skill-validation protocol to unify, validate and track professional skills across applications, in a distributed and unbiased way thanks to a third party community of qualified raters that act as oracles of the ecosystem. Our mission is to build a universal and evolving Human Skills Ecosystem that replaces resumes and converts people into their main assets.

Why should lifelong learners join Skyllz?

Recruiters take an average of six seconds to screen a resume (source: TheLadders). Our mission in Skyllz is to replace resumes with a skills-based online reputation.

Beyond this goal, we also want users to boost their talents, thanks to an ecosystem where they will be able to learn and apply their abilities across applications. If you are a recent graduate student with no experience, or you have experience, but you want to improve professionally, Skyllz will support your career path in both cases.

As a recent graduate, you will need a portfolio that relies on your specific talents, not only on your degree. The portfolio applications on top of the Skyllz Distributed Platform will support you in building your reputation, on the base of your skills implementation.

As an experienced professional, you will need to stand out of the crowd, with your unique set of talents. You might also need to integrate your current knowledge with specific new skills, being guaranteed an unequivocal and trustworthy statement of your achievements. Skyllz will provide you with e-learning platforms, online portfolios, professional networks and other tools to boost your non-stop growing skillset.

Since we believe in the benefits of building a positive ecosystem, only positive accomplishments are registered on the blockchain layer.

Some partners’ applications, will also allow you to be rewarded while you learn, or for sharing your data and knowledge.

Why should employers join Skyllz?

Costs of outsourcing the recruitment process are huge. Due to the surge of new technologies and new specific profiles, it is hard to spot quickly the perfect fit for a job.

An average recruiting process can take up to five weeks, with roughly three interviews (source: 2017 Recruiter Sentiment Study).

Most common issues are related to the difficulty to identify a candidate with the right hard and soft skills.

By joining Skyllz, companies will be able to find unequivocally the candidate with the right set of skills. Thanks to the unbiased process of skills validation, led by independent experts (raters), the abilities registered on the blockchain layer are trustworthy and tamper-proof.

Imagine a way of finding the right talent for any job or project in a similar way than Google indexes websites all along the Internet. Skyllz allows any person to build his/her own Unique Combination of Talents all over his/her career, acquiring, improving and applying his/her skills on a set of different applications connected. Thanks to having a common list of skills and attributes that users can develop, and a unified way of assessing them no matter where they have being acquired, improved or applied, recruiters can also compare faster and with confidence between candidates. Making scouting and curating talent simple and reliable.

Partnerships with Skyllz

At Skyllz we believe every individual has a specific and unique set of talents, and we aim to empower people through a unique ecosystem composed by e-learning platforms, online portfolios, job boards and professional networks. Our decentralized platform is designed to integrate all the applications around skill acquisition, improvement and application, on and off blockchain.

We collaborate with companies and organizations sharing our same human-centered vision, to build a system based on meritocracy, where individuals can convert their talents into their main assets.

join Blockchain revolution in Talent Branding, join Skyllz!

P.S: for more info, join our community!

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https://skyllz.org | First blockchain based and distributed skills validation protocol to showcase, track and boost human talents across applications.