Workkola and our commitment to Talent Branding.

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4 min readFeb 21, 2018

“Branding demands commitment; commitment to continual re-invention; striking chords with people to stir their emotions; and commitment to imagination. It is easy to be cynical about such things, much harder to be successful.” — Sir Richard Branson

In a competitive work market like the one we are seeing nowadays, an outstanding College education does not necessarily guarantee a good job in short times. With any University program taking at least two years of study to be completed, the current education system does not meet the fast pace of the actual working environment, where technological innovations go mainstream in a blink of an eye.

In addition to this globally shared frustration, some specific environmental conditions influence negatively the career opportunities of a recent graduate student.

According to the World University Rankings 2017, the top three ranked Colleges are all based in USA (source “Times Higher Education”), which automatically depowers grade-based reputation of all recent graduate students out of this geographical area, especially when trying to enter a borderless jobs marketplace.

Not to mention the high fees involved for attending the most quoted Colleges, something that not all of the students can afford, despite being smart and hard workers.

We live in the age of Big Data, where every performance, from Humans to Robots, must be measurable to be considered effective; so do skills, which have to be evaluated on the base of unquestionable metrics.

Workkola has been working for two years in a proven solution to empower, boost and measure job seekers’ talents, helping digitally-skilled students showcase their skills, build their Talent Brands and find amazing job opportunities, while helping companies assess and attract vetted talent.

“At Workkola, we want to change the way talent gets access to work and work gets access to talent.”

With a system that succeeded in working as evidence of outstanding abilities and track record of achievements through Challenges posted by companies, Workkola has currently reached an audience of around 20.000 users. We called it Talent Branding 🥇.

As a natural evolution of our platform and Talent Branding, we decided to embrace blockchain technology, to provide even more power to job seekers and lifelong learners, because of its decentralized, transparent and reliable structure.

Our new solution is committed to replace resumes and the certificates/diploma model with a human-centered and trustworthy blockchain-based system of validations and endorsements of skills.

As we strongly believe in a process of continuous improvement, for both soft and hard skills to be the main source of individuals’ empowerment, with Skyllz we make a step further in building a skill-related reputation.

“I am still learning.” — Michelangelo

Are you the same person you were yesterday? The answer is quite obvious, but, when it comes to professional life, people tend to make some resistance to acquire new skills.

The education paradigm has dramatically changed in the last few years and you can now find EVERY kind of course online. However, the feeling these certifications will not totally help boosting their professional reputation, due to the lack of opportunities to prove the newly acquired abilities, and the problem of an inexistent common trust and standards for certification, discourages learners and job seekers from investing more in new skills and considering them as an asset.

Here is where Skyllz really makes the difference. Skyllz creates an ecosystem where you will be provided with a wide range of possibilities to acquire, improve and apply your skills, validating and tracking them under the same standards.

Thanks to its connection with learning applications, online portfolios, professional networks and job/freelancers platforms, Skyllz aims to help you build and showcase your Unique Combination of Talents across your favorite applications. This unified, portable and trustworthy skill-related reputation responds to the new paradigm in lifelong learning and flexible workforce, and allows you to have the same opportunities to shine without any external limitation!

The revolution stands in the groundbreaking idea of annotating on a decentralized ledger your real and traceable abilities, endorsed by independent, validated, anonymized and consensus-based Proof-of-Skill, to build a never-ending reputation. A reputation that is owned by you and evolves with you.

This new limitless and meritocratic approach to skills, empowers fairness and freedom. You decide how to build your reputation, which areas you want to improve and showcase, and which new challenges you want to take on to keep developing yourself.


The Sky-llz is the only limit! 🚀😁

P.S: for more info, join our community! 😉




Editor for | First blockchain based and distributed skills validation protocol to showcase, track and boost human talents across applications.