These Epic Movie Soundtracks can make you more Focused and Productive 🎶

Sarthak Sharma
The Skynox Blog
Published in
7 min readJul 30, 2018

For at least several decades now, music has been a big part of people’s lives, and thanks to technology it has become increasingly ubiquitous and easily accessible. Today we have the power to listen to any kind of music anywhere. I spend more than 50% of my day listening to music, be it actively or passively, and I’m sure that’s true for many other people.

I believe we’re all heroes in our own right, our lives are adventurous movies, and what’s a hero’s journey without some badass music playing in the background?

We are all Harry Potters, Arya Starks and the Flashes of our own lives.We all fight problems that matter like a hero. And with these movie soundtracks I am listing below, you can feel like one too. It will give you a boost of positivity, and that my friends is the key to productivity. So here are the top albums that you can listen to be more productive. 🏃🏻‍♂️

1. Interstellar 🚀

🎼 Music Composer: Hans Zimmer
👍🏻 Best for: Brainstorming and Discussions 🧠
🔗 Links: Spotify, Apple Music, Youtube

This album is my favorite one of all time. If you have seen the movie, you will feel the connection too.The reason behind using this album for intense brainstorming sessions is the Shepard Tone, which intensifies the discussions and makes your brain feel the urgency. When we were planning for Naturehub App idea, this album was there to help us complete the first draft in a day. I’m sure it will help you brainstorm and plan better as well. Try it out!

2. Pirates of the Caribbean ⛵️

🎼 Music Composer: Hans Zimmer
👍🏻 Best for: High Concentration Work 🔥
🔗 Links: Spotify, Youtube

Mighty pirates album, I use it all the time when coding. The epic scores really push you into a do-or-die mindset. You can feel the adrenaline pumping into your system, and those long hours sitting won’t hurt you any more. “Drink Up Me Hearties Yo Ho” is a score that is just legendary! For beginners, instead of the whole album, listen to this track on loop for your next 25 minutes session, and you will know what I’m talking about. Hit those claps if you too are a Jack sparrow fan. Savvy?

Real quick! If you are a startup founder looking for help to build your MVP, you’re in the right place. Get in touch with us!

3. The Dark Knight Rises 🦇

🎼 Music Composer: Hans Zimmer
👍🏻 Best for: Extended Focus🔥
🔗 Links: Spotify, Apple Music, Youtube

Yep, I think you get the idea by now that I’m a huuuge Zimmer fan. Can’t help it, his music is just that great! I still remember when this album helped my team secure the 1st position in a Hackathon. We only had 36 hours, and we knew sleep was not an option. All we had was coffee ☕️ and this album 🎹 playing on loop on our tiny bluetooth speaker, that’s how we won the Hackathon. I highly recommend this album for those times when you need intense focus for an extended period of time. You won’t be disappointed.

4. The Theory of Everything 🌌

🎼 Music Composer: Jóhann Jóhannsson
👍🏻 Best for: Deep Thinking and Creativity✍🏼
🔗 Links: Spotify, Apple Music, Youtube

Hey look! Not a Hans Zimmer album 😄. Jóhann is also a great composer. I love his work in Arrival as well. Whenever I feel like sitting alone and thinking, this is my partner. This album’s opening track “Cambridge 1963” will rejuvenate your mind and help you dive deep into the world of thoughts. This is also great if you are into writing. It helps to calm your mind so creative thoughts can pop up.

Fun fact: I’m listening to the album right now as I type out this article 😂

5. The Hobbit & Lord of the Rings 🌋

🎼 Music Composer: Howard Shore
👍🏻 Best for: These albums are jack of all 💍
🔗 Links: Very easy to find but still Spotify, Apple Music, Youtube

Some movies are so epic that their soundtracks cannot follow one single theme. LOTR and Hobbit soundtracks fall under this category because in these albums, you can find a track for any kind of mood. But I’m going to talk about my personal recommendations.

💆🏻‍♂️ To relax: I always tell my friends that I have a soul of a hobbit, and I want to live my last days like a hobbit in a place like The Shire. So whenever I’m out trekking in the Himalayas, I plug in my earphones and listen to The Hobbit’s epic soundtracks. That makes my small adventures seem larger than life. So all my fellow hobbits, this is for you: The Hobbit (Calm Ambient Mix)

🤝 Teamwork: I’ll admit that teamwork is not always a breeze, inevitably there are some times when your team will struggle and go through some hard times. When I had to shut my company (read here why), my team and I went through such hard times. My team stood firmly with me in those times, and we used to listen to Misty Mountainsfrom The Hobbit to boost morale and stay strong. It helped us weather the storm and come back stronger. So trust me when I say that this soundtrack won’t let you down when you need to inspire your team.

Honorary Mentions 📝

These are some solo soundtracks from other albums to check out. It took me more time to create this list than writing the rest of the article, so do give them a whirl.

The Last of the Mohicans: Promontory
Star Wars: Binary Sunset
Game of Thrones: Light of the Seven
The Last Samurai: Red Warrior
Rush: Lost but won
Cloud Atlas: Sextet
Arrival: The Swimmer
Ludovico Einaudi: Nuvole Bianche
Dexter: Hide Your Tears
The Soloist: A City Symphony
Mr Robot: Where is my mind
Harry Potter: Harry in Winter
Two Steps From Hell: Heart of Courage
Planet Earth II Suite
POTC: Davy Jones
Her: Dimensions
Ennio Morricone — Il Buono, Il Brutto, Il Cattivo

Want more? Check these brilliant playlists.

Cinematic Chillout
This is Hans Zimmer
Soundtracks for Studying

That’s not all but that’s it for this article 👋🏻

These might not be the best soundtracks ever, but these are my favorites when it comes to boosting productivity. I know you guys must know many more epic albums, so here’s a task for you. Copy the format above and share you favorite albums with us. Help us and everyone around the world be more focused and productive.

For people who are new to this journey and want to explore more, bookmark this article and visit it again every few days for new album and soundtrack suggestions added in the comments.

Fellow Developers: I know we guys love soundtracks the most,which is why I created a repo of this list. Feel free to contribute there also. Hail Hans Zimmer! 😄

If you found this helpful, don’t forget to leave some claps 👏🏼 . Share this with your friends and followers! Tweet to me and give me a shoutout if these tracks helped you be more productive!

If you enjoyed this story, you can check out more like this on our publication The Skynox Blog. We write about product development, lifestyle, health & fitness, and more interesting stuff. We also run a global initiative for open-source development, Team XenoX. If you’re a developer, you can check out and contribute to our open-source projects by starting here.

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Sarthak Sharma
The Skynox Blog

JavaScript Nerd👨🏻‍💻| Philosopher🧘🏻‍♂️ | Life Hacker🔧 | Health enthusiast🏋🏻‍♂️