Arifin Kurnia
Published in
3 min readOct 1, 2018

If you’re looking for a hosting to deploy Node.js project, maybe you can consider choosing a hosting service at firebase. Firebase provide hosting static fast and secure for web applications. Some of the major capabilities of this hosting are:

Secure connection

SSL secure connection without configuration is included in Firebase Hosting, so the content is always delivered safely.

Fast content delivery

every file will be cached in the SSD in various firebase CDN edge servers worldwide. Wherever the user is located, the content will be delivered quickly.

Easy and fast implementation

With Firebase CLI, your application can be up and running in seconds. Features easy to add a command line application targets into your project build process. Firebase also will add a subdomain to your project in the domain

How to get started ?

To use Firebase Hosting, make sure you have made firebase project. Go to firebase console

Create your firebase project and then fill the required field

If your project successfully created, you will be directed to firebase project overview. Click on hosting menu,there will be a command to add firebase on your node js project.

Now we will run some command to start our firebase project via terminal

  1. Add firebase to our node js project with npm install -g firebase-tools command

2. Login to your firebase with firebase login command

3. Start your firebase project with firebase init command. Firebase provides many features. Now we will use firebase hosting, so use <space> to select firebase CLI features.

4. Finish our project setup

5. Deploy your app with firebase deploy command

The deployment process has been completed, now we can access our project online


Firebase can be used for product development at any scale, including utilizing various Firebase Services. However, it will be a challenge when developing products on a large scale. Every thing has advantages and disadvantages of each. The free version only provides 100 connections and 1 GB of storage, which we need to upgrade if our users increase

But i am impressed with this hosting service. It is very easy and fast to implement. It only takes 10 minutes for the deployment process, our project can be accessed online.

