Transifex — Web/Apps Localization

Yessika Budiono
Published in
3 min readFeb 21, 2017


Transifex helps you with your localization process. Make it easier to manage multilingual content, manage collabolators, track the progress of your translations.

Transifex features categorizing and prioritizing resources, preventing resources to be edited, enabling crowdsourcing mode, preventing different translation for similar words using Translation Memory and Concordance Search, translating offline, and many more.

For developers Transifex offers an extensive API that’s designed to expose as much of Transifex’s functionality as possible and make it easy to integrate Transifex with your existing tools. Transifex requires all requests to the API to be authenticated through HTTP Basic Auth.

There is also Transifex Client, a command-line tool that lets you easily work with large volumes of translation files. It works much like git: using the client, you’re able to sync files between your local device and Transifex without a UI.

Getting Started

# Creating an Organization

This organization will be the home for all the projects you’ll translate with Transifex, along with the people involved in the process. The creator of the organization will be designated as Administrator.

# Creating a Project

Project will hold all the content and their translations. To make it easier to manage, you better create each project for one type of content. For example, if you are translating a web app and an iOS app, you’d create two separate projects.

File-based projects that use traditional localization files. Live projects that use Transifex Live for translating websites.

# Add Resource

If you chose Live Projects, then add your website URL. If you chose File-based projects, then you should upload your resource in file format.

#Live Projects

Get the source language

  1. Click on the source language, then click Live (start from here, we are using Transfix Live feature)
  2. Transfix will detect strings, we can start approving every string resource which will be translated
  3. or choose View String in String List (in tiny menu while mouse is hovering on the string) to easily check/uncheck strings to be approved
  4. Start translating
Translation page

# Getting the Snippet

  1. Navigate to the Dashboard and select the project with the resource you want to get the snippet for
  2. Click on Resources
  3. From the list of resources, click on the one you want to get the snippet for
  4. In the header, click Settings
  5. Copy the snippet from the popup
  6. Paste it before the </head> tag of each page you want to translate
Copy-paste the snippet code

# Publish Your Translation

  1. Select the Project in your Dashboard
  2. Pop up window will show up, click Live (to access Transifex Live)
  3. Check your translation result by changing the language option on the right menu bar
  4. Click Publish > Publish to Production
Publishing translations

Then go to your web page, you will find select box to switch language on the bottom left.

You can follow the ongoing project sample of Transifex on


“Learn from yesterday, live for today, hope for tomorrow. The important thing is not to stop questioning.” ~ (Albert Einstein)



Yessika Budiono

Experienced web programmer, EN-ID translator, community & social media manager. Love to learn new things.