Restaurants Using Toast POS Can Save Nearly $2,000 Monthly with Sky Systemz Cloud POS

Brian Nichols
Published in
3 min readJun 28, 2020

According to Bloomberg, millions of restaurants are on the brink of collapse, and cloud POS giant Toast isn’t helping matters. Earlier this year, Toast raised money at a near $5 billion valuation, which means the company’s valuation has more than doubled in one year.

While Toast POS has grown at an incredible rate, Toast must naturally collect as many dollars as possible from each customer to maintain its explosive trajectory. Still, restaurants are feeling the pain of this strategy, especially now, and when we did a side-by-side analysis of Toast vs Sky Systemz POS….. the results were unbelievable.

As a restaurant owner or manager, you may be thinking this article does not apply to you if your business does not use Toast. However, the costs associated with Toast are fairly universal for all major restaurant POS systems, which is why Toast has grown so much over the last few years.

Therein lies the reason you should pay close attention to our findings. Even if you don’t use Toast, you are probably spending a similar amount. Revel Systems, NCR, Micros, etc., they are all very expensive.

Just to be fully transparent, we recently came across three different Toast merchant contracts. The terms and rates were almost identical. We are confident this is the structure Toast regularly uses when working with a new restaurant. We went through all the fine print, found all the hidden fees, and candidly we were disturbed by what we saw. I will explain why shortly. Let’s start with the headline!

Save nearly $50,000 over 24 months with Sky Systemz free cloud POS.

What we found is the total cost of using Toast for a restaurant processing $40,000 a month runs almost $2,000 a month! The processing fees aren’t that high, but you spend so much upfront and over the course of time to use their software.

Meanwhile, Sky’s flat rate option will cost the same merchant $1,000 after all costs are accounted for. If the merchant selects our “surcharge” plan they will save the full $2,000/month…. and during the crisis facing restaurants throughout the country, that money could be the difference between survival and not.

If the cost is not, the priorities and ethics might be the difference in survival. Take for consideration that Square withheld up to 30% of merchant sales during the pandemic’s peak. More than 1,500 businesses signed a petition that claims funds were withheld on I can only assume there are many more.

This action is nothing more than the effect of being worth billions of dollars and needing to protect the enterprise, something that neither Square, Clover, nor Toast can deny. Meanwhile, Sky has a team dedicated to fighting chargebacks, not preventing them. This approach is why our chargeback ratio is 5x lower than our competitors, and why we don’t resort to such desperation to protect our bottom line.

About Sky’s Surcharge Plan — Option to pass processing fees to customers. This plan allows businesses to compliantly pass processing fees, with our system automatically applying a processing fee to card purchases.

With Sky Systemz, you can pass the processing fees to customers completely. During this time especially, consumers are happy to pay a few extra dollars to keep your local business open… those who are not, will pay with cash.



Brian Nichols

President & CEO of Sky Systemz, an innovating cloud POS, business management solution, & payment processor. Former investment fund manager & McGraw-Hill author