App Directory Spotlight #4 — Todo, Statsbot & Leo

Slack API
Slack Platform Blog
2 min readFeb 19, 2016

Welcome back to our app directory spotlight. We have a particularly awesome set of apps for you this time around. So you can stay abreast, we rotate featured apps every two weeks. It’s a GIF and video filled spotlight this week, so check out these apps and add them to your Slack!

/todo is an incredibly useful todo list for you and your Slack team that lives entirely within Slack. I bet when you first used Slack you wondered how you could manage tasks; /todo is your answer! It’s so easy to use, add it to your Slack right now and just start playing around. You can create your own todo list, assign todos to others or create a todo list for a channel — especially useful if you’re doing a project with a team. Even cooler, /todo is built by Guillermo Gette, an individual developer based in Australia! Check it out and install it here:

Statsbot allows you to pipe your team’s analytics data straight into Slack! It is your in-house data guru, the bot user for all of your analytics questions. Statsbot connects to Google Analytics, New Relic and Mixpanel. We have our own internal analytics bot that we use heavily here at Slack and suggest connecting Slack to your business analytics if you haven’t yet. The Statsbot team is aiming to eventually build an AI powered decision support system in Slack for SMBs — so follow them if you’re interested in this kind of thing! You can try Statsbot here:

Leo, the Officevibe Bot, helps you figure out your workplace mojo. Leo asks employees anonymous questions about their experience at work and then shares to managers in a private channel. It also prompts employees to encourage one another and to go have fun! There’s a lot we could say about Leo but we’d rather share the Officevibe team’s video on how they decided to build Leo. Video below, to learn about Leo go here



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Slack Platform Blog

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