Perfect timing with Hootsuite on Slack

Delivering actionable information with Scheduled Messages

Jody Chambers
Slack Platform Blog
2 min readMay 7, 2019


For nearly four years, Hootsuite’s Slack app has been enabling users to select a message on social media, add a comment, analyze sentiment, then send it to any DM or channel within your workspace.

Schedule, list, delete

With the new Scheduled Messages API for Slack, you can now coordinate messages to be sent at a future time, delivering messages with precision — meeting users with the information they need, exactly when they need it.

The API is simple to use and works seamlessly within the existing chat.postMessage structure. It features the ability to schedule, list scheduled messages, and delete scheduled messages.

const baseUrl = ``; 
const listUrl = `${baseUrl}/chat.scheduledMessages.list`;, { token: SLACK_ACCESS_TOKEN })
.then((response) => {
.catch((error) => {

Delayed messages

Take this (very believable) fake use case: Charlie is a customer support manager for a small motorcycle company, Misty’s Motos. He monitors all social outlets for customers that might be raving (or ranting) about Misty’s. He does this via Hootsuite by connecting his company’s Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram accounts.

Monitor both delightful and disgruntled messages.

With help from the Hootsuite app for Slack, Charlie finds a tweet from an upset customer and would like to send it to his team’s Slack channel. However, it’s Friday, and he doesn’t want to action low priority issues until Monday.

Charlie is in luck! He can simply schedule the message for a time when the team is ready to take action on those complaint.

Monitoring customer sentiment in channel.

Check it out

The app is available for Hootsuite users with a paid account and any Slack account. Head over to the Hootsuite App Directory to get started!

Questions or feedback? Email or tweet Slack API.

