Slack App Directory Spotlight #1

Slack API
Slack Platform Blog
2 min readJan 8, 2016

Welcome to our first ever Slack App Directory feature! Since we launched the app directory in December we’ve learned about so many great apps that we want to make sure you see them, too. Want to make your working life simpler, more pleasant, and more productive? Well then read on for our reviews of this week’s featured apps.


Calling all designers, or web devs who dabble, Figma is super cool and you should try it. Ever wondered why there isn’t a “google docs” style multi-editor mode product for designers? We’ve wondered about that too. Figma is building this very product. Even more, you can connect Figma to Slack and add a design to a channel so that anyone who needs to can access design files and edit them together. You can also enable the Figma app to notify channels of design updates.

→ To install go to: and click the “add to Slack” banner.


Ever share something in Slack and then forget where you shared it? Or have a link in email or Twitter that you assume is in Slack but can’t seem to find? Kifi is a knowledge management product solving this problem. The Kifi app for Slack allows full text search and lets you “keep” (think like Pocket) links or messages in Slack you want to remember. Many Kifi users say that they’ve abandoned their old note taking products for Kifi.

→ Here’s the link to add Kifi to Slack:


You have likely heard of Lucidchart. They are a premier diagramming product, and now they have a snazzy Slack integration that allows you to `/lucidchart` to spin up a new diagram for that channel! Within LucidChart there are also a set of “share to Slack” buttons that will allow you to do exactly that.

→ There’s a good chance you already use Lucidchart, if so, add it to your Slack:

Thanks for your time. Tune back in, and if you’d rather see videos or gifs or something else fun to share about our featured apps we’re open to your suggestions. Till next time!

Oh, P.S. For all in SF who want to join, our first ever developer meetup is coming on 1/19!



Slack API
Slack Platform Blog

Tips to integrate with Slack APIs to make your work life simpler, more pleasant and more productive — whether for your internal team or millions of Slack users.