The building blocks of a great Slack app

Make workflows happen with a new UX guide and app blueprints

Slack API
Slack Platform Blog
2 min readJun 15, 2017


Some tasks are universal to nearly every company. From welcoming new team members, to sharing reports, or triaging incoming support tickets, teams can get these tasks done in Slack with apps.

If you want to complete a workflow in Slack, there’s likely an app in the Slack App Directory built just for what you need. If you can’t find what you’re looking for, you might consider building something yourself.

We’ve built two new resources to get you started: app blueprints that serve as building blocks for a variety of workflow-based apps, and a user experience guide to help you build engaging apps and integrations for Slack.

Slack app blueprints

We’ve looked at the most popular use cases for internal integrations and distilled them down into a set of six app blueprints for you to build with. Together, they form the building blocks of many foundational workflows for companies using Slack.

You can use them to build an app that helps your IT team triage and claim helpdesk tickets, greets new team members with a friendly welcome message or a code of conduct to agree to, helps your team maintain consistent Slack channel names, and much more.

You can get started by reading the tutorials, jumping straight into the code, or remixing the projects on Glitch.

User experience guide

To learn how your app can drive engagement and provide clear user interactions, browse our user experience guide. The guide condenses our UX best practices from building Slackbot, as well as our learnings from reviewing and testing countless apps for Slack.

It covers the gamut of things to consider when building an app with empathy in mind, like cross-platform functionality, voice and tone, UX storyboarding, and crafting a great onboarding experience. We hope you’ll find it useful.

What app blueprints would be most helpful for your team? Let us know and we may build it next.



Slack API
Slack Platform Blog

Tips to integrate with Slack APIs to make your work life simpler, more pleasant and more productive — whether for your internal team or millions of Slack users.