Work in progress

An update on app reliability, security and permissions

Slack API
Slack Platform Blog
2 min readMar 12, 2019


Artwork by Casey Labatt Simon.

This post is the latest in a series to keep our developer community updated on the improvements we are making to the app authentication and installation experience. For further background, see our blog post on updates to app tokens.

Shipped: App reliability

In our December post, we shared plans to improve app reliability by keeping apps installed and working, even when the last authorized user leaves the workspace. We shipped this feature in January and have seen uninstall rates dramatically improve.

In progress: Security improvements

We are now planning to support token rotation and short-lived tokens for bot token apps, with a target release date in late 2019.

In progress: Simplified permissions

Our goal for Slack apps is to offer a single set of scopes that can be applied to both user or bot tokens. The tech spec for this project is complete and implementation work has begun.

Looking ahead

Areas of focus for the latter half of this year will be on APIs and tools for managing apps at scale — from bulk app management to deploying apps across organizations.

As these features become available and implementation plans become more concrete, we’ll keep you up-to-date here on the Slack Platform blog.

As always, if you have feedback on what you’ve heard so far, drop us a line at



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