1-Star Reviews Of Feminine Products Written By Female Characters From Classic Literature

Lena Angel
Published in
4 min readAug 19, 2022


Illustration provided by Miguel Angel

Elizabeth Bennet from Pride & Prejudice

1-day yeast treatment packs

1.0 out of 5 stars

A Burning Resentment Grows

It is with a grave heart and a sound mind that I am compelled to write about my deep dissatisfaction with your product. When we first met, the sparkle of your promises to be fast and effective combined with your comforting egg shape lifted my spirits. I succumbed to the temptations of descriptions such as “the perfect solution for busy women” and “it stays in place day or night.” The result of my haste being akin to inserting an ant covered twig into my lady parts. I thought the itching unbearable, but it was merely a precursor to a rising crescendo of pain culminating in a burning so intense that it felt as though I had lit a fiery torch and thrust it inside of me. As I sat soaking my most intimate regions in a pail of cool water, I yearned for the whimsical vagina of my past, unencumbered by the waves of itching and burning that now threaten to ruin the very happiness and pleasure with which I had tasked it. I could easily forgive Darcy’s pride, but I cannot forgive the makers of a product which has left my undercarriage in a most tremulous rage.



Lena Angel

Twitter: @LAngelwrites/ Instagram: Lenabobena21. Words in Humor Darling, Points in Case, and Little Old Lady Comedy, Slackjaw, and The Belladonna Comedy.