12 stock images for your company’s About Page to imply, “Hey, we have diversity!”

Hassan S. Ali
Published in
3 min readJun 19, 2017

1. This one says, “Hello potential clients. We embrace diversity SO hard.”

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2. Put this on your company’s About Page to imply that, yes, your company is indeed “woke AF”

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3. It’s 2017, fuckers.

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4. This one says, “Despite an all straight-white-male leadership team, listen, we do value diversity. Look… it’s… we take diversity seriously and… Okay, let’s have a town hall meeting about this and talk about it further. After which we won’t *actually* take any concrete action to improve the situation.”

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5. Hands!

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6. Slap this image on your company’s About Page to successfully woo those Asian clients.

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7. Brown people are welcome at your company. They are visibly happy. They feel welcome and included.

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8. This one’s a two-fer. Putting this image on your company’s About Page not only implies your company is diverse, but also suggests you offer free yoga classes as an employee perk! (Get that mantle ready for your “Best Places To Work” trophy.)

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9. Oh shit. This one suggests you’re so diverse, even the fruit bowl in the office kitchen is diverse!

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10. Hands. Teamwork. Diversity. Our company is “with” “it.”

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11. This stock image says that your company’s employees love to smile. Why do they smile? Because the company is so diverse and that is reason to smile! Put this on your About Page to make your competitors feel like they’re still stuck in the 1950s.

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12. This one even suggests you listen to and validate your diverse employees’ ideas! Two-in-one win!

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All images are downloadable using the links below each image.

And to add some diversity to your Twitter feed, follow me on Twitter.



Hassan S. Ali

I write comedy things. the ha & lol. Also a founding editor of Slackjaw on Medium.