25 Things Yanks Shouldn’t Say In Australia Or New Zealand

Because then they’ll know you’re a Yank.

Catherine Durkin Robinson


photo by author

1. “I know I reserved a campervan, but there’s been some kind of misunderstanding. Despite the fact that I was raised in Florida, I can’t poop in a bucket.”

2. “Sure I’ll try some Vegemite. What could go wrong?”

3. “Is there an Old Zealand?”

4. “Cheap tattoos, a KFC on every corner, and no one is wearing shoes. This is a lot like Newark but with better accents.”

5. “I thought I disliked trucks but without gun racks and ball sacks, they’re not half-bad.”

6. “I don’t mean to brag but it’s been two roundabouts since I almost killed everyone.”

7. “Let me get this straight, you all *run* on the wrong side too?”

8. “Down is up, left is right, and you still managed to elect a female leader before the United States.”

9. “Christchurch? That’s not a town. When I was a kid, put a comma in the middle and that’s an expletive I said every Sunday.”

10. “Umm, no thank you. I meant kiwi the fruit. Do I look like someone who would order chopped-up birds on their cereal?”



Catherine Durkin Robinson

I’m a writer and activist. In my spare time, I investigate missing socks. (1287 found since 1995)