50 Solid Reasons To Reschedule Your Colonoscopy

Published in
3 min readFeb 19, 2024


Photo by Claire Mueller on Unsplash

1. Clearly, there’s been some mistake because there’s no way in hell you’re fifty.

2. The dog died. Not your your dog, but surely, somewhere, a dog died.

3. Turns out there’s a PTO meeting that day and it’s high time you showed up for one of those considering you’ve never been to one in your children’s sixteen years of schooling.

4. Forecast says chance of rain 2%.

5. Companion to escort you home suddenly unavailable because you forgot to tell them you needed them.

6. Heard from a friend they just did a poop test instead and want to investigate that.

7. Procedure scheduled for Monday which would mess up your Sunday Funday.

8. Procedure scheduled for a Tuesday which would mess up new meatless Monday routine.

9. Procedure scheduled for a Wednesday which would mess up Taco Tuesday.

10. Procedure scheduled for a Thursday which might mess up Friday happy hour and would definitely rule out that Wednesday trivia night you’ve been meaning to go to for years.

11. Procedure scheduled for a Friday and doctor will be tired from long week and off their game.




Author of The Leaving, Take Me With You, and more. Creator of the Dream Breachers podcast on Pinna. Also formerly Tara McCarthy.