7 Millennial Dance Moves To Dominate Gen Z Kids On TikTok

You should applaud yourself for dancing in the face of economic adversity.

Shay Michael


Image by Hae-Na Choi

If trending on TikTok seems too good to be true for us Millennials, just know it probably is. But fear not, fellow Gen Y-ers: These nostalgic dance moves will help you bring it back in style and overtake those pimply-faced, trending-for-their-own-good 12-year-olds!

Here we go! Let’s crush those Zoomers with our bank-breaking grooves!

The Superman

Image by Hae-Na Choi

Put all your weight on your left foot and crank that right leg up behind you. Flail those arms like you’re flying first class and NOT coach like you’re definitely used to, and before you know it you’ll be impressing your 25 TikTok fans. And don’t forget to Superman those home mortgages.

The Train Dance

Image by Hae-Na Choi

Bend your arm like an L and rock it up and down like you just paid down the minimum amount on your…



Shay Michael

LA. Words in McSweeney’s, Slackjaw, Points in Case, others. I have a beard now: holishay.com