7 New #Hashtags We All Need In Our Lives

#SUTBOMO, #FOJI, #FODWAP. Hashtags give us new words for old emotions.

Dr Chris Newman
4 min readNov 15, 2018


Is it any wonder Hashtags are so popular? We crave to be able to express ourselves better, hence the popularity of articles like 10 Fascinating Azerbaijani Words with no English Translation, or 11 Words that make you wish you were born in Chad. Here are 7 new Hashtags doing the rounds.

#FOJI: Fear of Joining In
Some social events require the risk of public humiliation. This is why the Gods invented alcohol. Not to make us any more talented, any more adept at dancing the Charleston, the Dougie or the Floss, but to make us not care. Which is an interesting insight into our mentality. Our #FOJI isn’t because we mind being humiliated, we just don’t want to notice at the time.

How to deal with FOJI (Not recommended!) by Travis

#JOMO: Joy of Missing Out
Sometimes a bit of me time is what you need. And what better way to ensure it than switching off that phone and basking in the superior feeling of wokeness!! Who needs a phone anyway!?? It does seem a shame to waste this great thing I’m doing by not posting about it though…..Maybe I can inspire them by popping #JOMO in my status??

#FOFO: Fear Of Failing Ovaries
One of the biggest things that makes life more difficult for women is that they have less time to have kids. As they hit 30 the hormones start to kick up a storm and the big questions pop up… Should I compromise? Should I have kids with this guy? Is he too much of a douchebag? I’m not sure I’d trust him to raise his arm never mind 2.4 children #FOFO!

#PSA: Post-Send Anxiety
We’ve all done it. You send an angry text to your girlfriend, or a pissed off email to your boss in the heat of passion. No! I didn’t mean to hit send!! You beg to unseen forces — Please, I’m sorry, I can’t stand the #PSA…Please make them drop their phone in a puddle! You begin to devise an elaborate plan on how you can get to their phone before them.What can I…blue tick…ohh crap.

Message received….NOOOOOO!!!!!! (rawpixel on Unsplash)

#FODWAP: Fear Of Dying Without Achieving Potential
The danger of reading self-help books, listening to Tim Ferriss podcasts and doing Affirmations in the mirror (“I am a good writer. I am a good writer”) is that we dream of Greatness excessively without ever quite getting round to doing anything about it. Occasionally reality pokes her ugly little nose in to give us a reality check.“Dude,I really got #FODWAP last night,I need to step up!”

“I need to step up my game before I die”. Sir Derek Jacobi

#BANKYAMO: Bliss At Not Knowing You Are Missing Out
Some social media rebels have deleted Facebook and live off the grid. They look happier. They sound happier. But don’t they feel like they’re…missing something? They tune into Heart FM on a Friday night and slip into the bath, blissfully unaware that there is anything awry, while the rest of us scour Facebook with a tear in our eye and self-pity in our hearts. Even the acronym #BANKYAMO sounds like it’s filled with Zen wisdom.

Who needs Facebook eh Kevin? (Fezbot2000 on Unsplash)

#SUTBOMO: Sudden Urge To Be On My Own
You’re in company, everything seems to be going really well, you’re having a great time and then suddenly. Nope. I don’t want to be here. I don’t want to be with you. I made a mistake. “Err sorry babe I’ve got #SUTBOMO.” Many a guy or girl who has had a one night stand will have felt this microseconds after climax. How on earth were you so into it all those seconds ago?


