9 Album Covers Reimagined For 2021

Vote for your favorite! The band that wins is legally required to change their album cover.

Kim Christel


Radiohead — The End

(The Bends)

A medical dummy with it’s head tilted back, wearing a medical facemask.

Pink Floyd — Wish We Were Not Here

(Wish You Were Here)

Two men on fire shake hands surrounded by flames. A meteor is falling from the sky in the background.

Green Day — Nimrod


Two drawings of Donald Trump with yellow circles that read “Nimrod” covering his face.

Joy Division — Unknown Terrors

(Unknown Pleasures)

White lines forming the COVID-19 virus are over a black background.

King Crimson — In the Nose of the Crimson King

(In the Court of the Crimson King)



Kim Christel

Writer of writings, drawer of drawings, renaissancer of renaissance