A Brief, 3000-Year Recap Of Cancel Culture

From Socrates to Mr. Potato Head.

Drew Patty


Art by Eric Reid

In the beginning, humankind created culture, and it was good. Then someone got all bent out of shape about something trivial, and that culture got canceled. Here’s a recap of all the things we’ve lost to cancel culture over the past few millennia.

When: 399 BC
What: Socrates
Why: Was it because he “corrupted the youth”? Was it because he acted like a know-it-all? Or was it because of the annoying way he always answered questions with more questions?

When: 33 AD
What: Jesus
Why: He wore socks with his sandals, which the Bible dubbed “original sin.”

There was a brief period, from 33 AD to 1989 AD, when nothing was canceled.

When: 1989
What: Hostess Chocobliss
Why: With several layers of chocolate cake, chocolate cream, and topped with chocolate icing, Chocobliss was the ultimate lunchbox treasure. Then Andy’s mom read the ingredients, saw that it contained 65 grams of sugar, and that was that. Thanks a lot, Andy!

When: 2001
What: Harry Potter
Why: A book discussing witches and wizards could only result in one thing: children learning how to…



Drew Patty

Writer. Editor. Poet. Eater of food. Dad to three amazing kids. Occasionally humorous.