A Candidate I Can Grab a Plate Of Chili’s® Crispy Honey-Chipotle Chicken Crispers® With

That’s The Candidate Who Gets My Vote

kelly dickinson
Published in
3 min readOct 28, 2016


The election is just a few days off, and I’m sure I’m not alone in feeling a little overwhelmed by messaging. These days I can’t even sit down and enjoy the Jeopoardy without being barraged with political ads of ten sorts! “This candidate is a crook! This one’s a moron, vote yes on this question or no on the other one!”

Bah. Look — I’m an honest, hard-working, down-to-earth American. At the end of the day, I’m looking for someone who shares my values. When all’s said and done, I want good folks in the White House, Congress, and local seats.

That’s why, this election season, I’m really just looking for a candidate I can see myself sitting down and having a plate of Chili’s® Crispy Honey-Chipotle Chicken Crispers® with.

I’ve seen the debates. I know Clinton and Trump both have their good points and their bad points. They’ve both said some things and done some things. There’s two sides. So really, when it comes down to it, on election day, alls I can do is go with my gut, and my gut wants some piping-hot Chicken Crispers®.

I want a candidate whose gut feels the same.

Are you following this?

Listen, I’m just a regular, everyday American. I’m regular folks. I’ve got old-fashioned values. So I’m not one to be swayed by fancy degrees, fancy deeds, fancy words. No way, no how!

If you ask me, Politics has become too crowded with politics people. Washington insiders and big-business CEOs who give handouts or don’t want to pay their fair share. There’s all this backroom talk, all these deals. I’m not about that. I just want someone who can roll up their sleeves, get the job done — who can meet me where I’m at. And right now, I’m at the Chili’s® on Route 6.

It’s not just the presidency I care about, mind. Heck! I know that’s not all that counts. I’m thinking about the House and Senate too. I want to know that whoever is representing the interests of my state in Washington will be doing the right thing, backing the right legislation, and meeting with the right people, most likely at the office or maybe at one of these eight locations within driving distance from Capitol Hill.

I’ve done you the kindness of mapping it for you:

it looks like, if you download the app, you can skip the line, and you don’t even need to do a call-ahead.

And state and local elections — those are just as important, if not more important! When it comes to who I want to see in the school board — I want to get the kind of folks I’d see at the neighborhood bar and grill, and by that I don’t mean Applebee’s, because the Applebee’s closed. I mean regular old Chili’s®.

Local officials — I’ll be honest, I’d be glad to meet them at Chili’s®, if they’d be interested. The one near me, or near them, whatever works. I just now downloaded the app and can put our names in right now, from this phone. We could split a plate of Southwestern Eggrolls®, get separate entrees. We don’t need to get desserts and we don’t need to talk about heady politics. We can chat about regular stuff —the job, the kids, trucks, problems, and what it means to be an American. Just two Christian souls, heart to heart and man to man, speaking in honest terms over the chorus of fajitas hissing and popping like Old Faithful.

I want to know that my nation is in good hands, and the best way for me to estimate the qualities of those hands would be to see them poised above a plate of steaming Chicken Crispers®, steady amidst the plumes of rising steam.



kelly dickinson

friend to small creatures. @kickinson on twitter.