A COVID Meet-Cute With My Childhood Crush

Was he still that much cooler than me, or was that all in my head?

Kelly Shanley
Published in
7 min readAug 12, 2021


Illustration by Emily Clouse

In last week’s column, I told you all about my initial encounters with A, the first of four suitors I stumbled upon last summer. This week, I’m going to tell you about catching up with B, suitor #2, the seemingly unattainable childhood friend I’d crushed on for years.

B had already graduated high school by the time I entered, so we were never in school together. We had only ever hung out at parent-organized gatherings like birthdays, annual Christmas parties, and his high school graduation party when I was twelve and felt acutely invisible to all boys, especially dreamy high school football players like B.

Fast-WAY-forward to 2020. I was staying at my mom’s house in the same neighborhood where B’s parents lived. B was also quarantining with his parents, and whenever he drove by our house he would honk and wave hello. The little 12-year-old inside of me couldn’t believe he even waved at me, so clearly there were no expectations for any more involved contact.

One afternoon, I was heading down the street to hang with my friend/life coach, Obi-Wan Amanda. Remember her? She grew up in a house just down the street and was one…



Kelly Shanley

LA based writer/podcaster/comedian/mountain girl at heart. Outdoor lover, world traveler, loud laugher.