A Creative Brief For Composing A DM To My Crush

Deadline: in the next three minutes, please.

Sara K. Runnels
Published in
3 min readMay 17, 2021


Photo by Kate Torline on Unsplash

Thank you for taking on this assignment! I know it’s short notice, but as your very close friend, it’s time you just expected this from me. In the creative brief below, you’ll find all the details about my highly anticipated, wine-soaked attempt to make my crush finally notice me.

Client: Me, someone who knows how to string words together and articulate her feelings, but prefers the insight of those who have helped guide many of her romantic decisions in the past––both triumphant and pitiful.

Assigned to: My dear friend, someone who is consistently a voice of reason and a great sounding board, even though I usually end up doing the dumb thing instead of the thoughtful, quality thing she suggested.

Briefed in at: 10:46 p.m., Tuesday

Deliverables due by: 10:49 p.m., Tuesday

Flexible? Yes, physically, I am (should I lead with that in the DM?!)––but this timing is not.

Project description/context: I’ve had the correct amount of wine to finally say hello to my internet crush…



Sara K. Runnels

Copywriter by day. Humor writer by night. Exhausted by afternoon. @omgskr / sararunnels.com