A Hopeful Author Apologizes To A Literary Agent For An Email Error

Please know I appreciate your patience and understanding, and that I love you.

Kristen Tsetsi


Photo by Andrea Piacquadio from Pexels

From: JessicaSmith@mail.com
To: JessicaVale@agentmail.com
Sent: Saturday, 11:07 PM

Dear Jessica Vale,

In my recent email to you requesting representation for my literary novel Letters Lost, I neglected to include my telephone number. I apologize for the oversight. You’ll find the number in my signature below.

I hope this minor error won’t tarnish your opion of my sample or give you the impression that I’m careless about my work.

Jessica Smith
(212) 555–8871

From: JessicaSmith@mail.com
To: JessicaVale@agentmail.com
Sent: Saturday, 11:11 PM

Dear Jessica,

I apologize for having sent you another imperfect email. I saw the typo as I hit “send,” and I could not be more mortified.

In a fortuitous turn, that mishap alerted me to the fact that I had forgotten to attach, in my initial email, the summary requested in your…



Kristen Tsetsi

Author of the post-Roe v. Wade novel THE AGE OF THE CHILD. “A voice & perspective we rarely see in literature. Total page-turner." - Amazon Review