A Note Of Apology To My Cleaning Lady

I’m sorry about the state of my apartment, but my boyfriend just broke up with me.

Lindsay Hameroff


Photo by David Levêque on Unsplash

Hi Mary Jo,

I wanted to leave a quick note to apologize for the state of the apartment this week. Sadly, my boyfriend Jeremy decided to end our relationship after four incredible months together, and needless to say, I am a mess. The trash cans are overflowing with wadded-up tissues, empty Häagen-Dazs pints, and Chinese takeout (honestly, could I be more of a cliché?) and I expect it will take you a bit longer than usual to tidy up today.

Jeremy broke up with me over a text message. Seriously, who breaks up with someone via text? I was like, Jeremy, is this about Lexi, that new receptionist at your office? Because I know she has a thing for you. And he was all like, this isn’t about anyone, I just can’t be tied down to a girlfriend when I’m trying to get my DJ career off the ground.

Naturally, I called and texted him relentlessly over the next three hours (couples need to talk these things out!), but he refused to pick up. And the next thing I knew, I had a fist-shaped hole in my wall! I did my best to sweep up all the drywall dust, but ultimately I figured it was probably best to leave this type of thing to the professionals. ;-)



Lindsay Hameroff

Reader, writer, humorist, mommy. Follow me on Twitter @LindsayHameroff.