A Text Conversation Between Drake And His Former Degrassi Co-Star

Matthew Seely
Published in
2 min readSep 15, 2020
Image Copyright: Epitome Pictures/CTV (Fair Use)

June 9, 11:17 PM
Shane: Yo Drake! Whaddup?

11:21 PM
Shane: It’s ya boy Spinner!!

June 12, 9:02 AM
Shane: Hey, Aubrey. It’s Shane.

9:10 AM
Shane: Shane Kippel

9:11 AM
Shane: From Degrassi. Remember?

9:15 AM
Shane: lol of course you remember. Just joking!

June 18, 11:13 PM
Shane: Do you still use this number?

June 21, 2:00 PM
Shane: Remember when we did that reunion music video? That was fun! We should do it again!

July 5, 7:08 PM
Drake: forgot i gave you this number. video was 🔥🔥🔥

7:08 PM
Shane: YES!!! We should do it again!

7:12 PM
Shane: Hey, I was thinking, wouldn’t it be funny to do a new Degrassi show?

7:15 PM
Shane: Like, just for jokes because revivals are lame, but like kinda ironic.

July 20, 3:15 PM
Drake: ha ha! Maybe a 20th high school reunion in 2027 🤣

3:16 PM
Shane: Cool cool! I have a spec script. Where can I send it to you?

3:22 PM
Shane: I mean I wrote it for a joke, but it accidentally turned out really good. I think we should do it.

3:33 PM
Shane: It’s more of a spinoff about Spinner and Jimmy.

3:40 PM
Shane: Spinner grew The Dot into an international mega business and now he’s got like private jets and a mansion and he travels the world.

3:42 PM
Shane: And Jimmy still hangs out with him because they’re still best friends but also Jimmy manages a regional chain of The Dot franchises.

August 11, 5:48 PM
Drake: 🤣🤣🤣

5:48 PM
Shane: Are you in???

8:00 PM
Drake: oh, you for real? nah crazy busy

8:01 PM
Shane: Oh, yeah. I now. I’m crazy busy too. #alwayshungry

8:07 PM
Shane: But you know, if we’re both attached to the project it would double the chances of it being a success.

October 20, 1:05 AM
Shane: Hey, haven’t heard from you in a while. I don’t want to cut you out but I’m talking to Stefen Brogren about co-starring and Kevin Smith is interested in writing/directing.

1:20 AM
Shane: Sort of a Breaking Bad meets Mallrats.

December 25, 10:17 AM
Shane: Merry Christmas!

January 1, 2:49 PM
Shane: Do you still use this number?

May 1, 10:15 PM
Drake: You wanna collab?

10:15 PM
Shane: Oh my god! Yes! Of course! The rest of the Degrassi gang are gonna lose it! This is amazing!

10:16 PM
Drake: that text was for someone else. my bad.

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Matthew Seely

Matthew Seely is a writer and performer based in Toronto. His works have appeared at McSweeney’s, Slackjaw, Points in Case and others.