A Timeline Of My Thoughts In The One Hour After I Leave A Party

Everything went really well, except for that awkward thing I said.

Emily Kling


Photo by Uday Mittal on Unsplash

10:43pm, 1 Minute After Leaving: What a fun party! I’m glad I went.

10:48pm: It was great to see those guys. Even Billy. Everything went really well, except for that awkward thing I said. But it’s okay. I was just trying to be funny.

10:53pm: I don’t think anyone cared about my stupid joke. I wonder how many people even heard me. It was loud in there. Too loud. Like, turn the music down! We aren’t 21 anymore!

10:58pm: But some people definitely caught it. The energy shifted after I said that one thing. It got noticeably quiet.

10:59pm: I mean, it wasn’t totally silent. It’s not like you could hear a pin drop. But Billy made that “oh, Christ” face. What’s up with that guy?

11:03pm: It’s not a big deal.

11:04pm: It is a big deal.

11:07pm: My inability to read the room is a huge deal. Why can’t I be one of those people who is pleasantly quiet? The ones who barely speak but everyone loves having them around because they emit some sort of vague positive energy. Why can’t I be like them?



Emily Kling

Twitter: @emilykling2 ; Instagram: @emilykling_