
Alex Baia
Published in
3 min readFeb 20, 2024


Created by ImageFX

Happy Lady: Hello, hello! What’s new?

Cool Gent: Nothin’ much. Same old.

Adult Man: Business matters. The economy and so forth.

Cool Gent: Hey-o, here he comes.

Adult Man: Oh no. He’s bad.

Happy Lady: I think he’s interesting.

Adult Man: He’s irresponsible.

Cool Gent: He’s gonna drop the bomb. Always does.

The Guy arrives.

The Guy: Aliens.

Adult Man: No. Preposterous.

Happy Lady: Wow. Like, alien aliens?

The Guy: Yes.

Happy Lady: My god!

Adult Man: It’s not aliens. It’s something else.

Cool Gent: Could be anything, my dude.

The Guy: Nah. Aliens.

Adult Man: No. I refuse. You have nothing. It’s silly talk. We are goddamned adults!

The Guy: Watch The Video.

The Guy whips out the iPhone with the YouTube.

They watch The Video.

Cool Gent: Wild stuff, skippy! Maybe… weather balloon?

Adult Man: It is China drones.



Alex Baia

Humor writer, book junkie, stargazer, optimist. Resident philosophy major. Get my humor newsletter: