An Average “Back to School Night” in the Era of Mass Shootings
“Lockdown, Lockdown, Lock the door
Shut the lights off, Say no more
Go behind the desk and hide
Wait until it’s safe inside
Lockdown, Lockdown it’s all done
Now it’s time to have some fun!”
…The words go with the tune of “Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star.”
— Allyson Chiu reporting for the Washington Post
Hello Parents!
We are so excited to welcome your kindergarteners to Shady Valley. I see some familiar faces in the crowd! Raise your hand if you’ve attended our Back to School night before? Wonderful! I know you’re all eager to visit your child’s classroom, see their adorable self-portraits, and assess the viability of the supply closet as a safe room, but first we need to review some quick housekeeping items including the new “procedures” we’ve implemented this year as part of the district’s recent adoption of ALiCE protocol.
In your folders, you’ll find several handouts addressing our most frequently asked questions — start times, bus schedules, a list of therapists specializing in gun trauma. I know most of you have already purchased the school supplies each teacher requires, but I want to make you aware that in…