Apparently In This Political Climate You Can’t Build A Backyard Fight Pit For The Neighborhood Kids

We’re losing our culture one bare-knuckle brawl at a time.

Devin Wallace


Photo Credit Aislinn Ritchie via Wikimedia Commons

I thought I’d seen this country get as bad as it could get. The America I know and love is long gone, stolen by a bunch of thin-skinned loons. But never in my wildest nightmares did I imagine we’d fall so far into the pit of social tyranny that it’d become illegal for an upstanding citizen to build a backyard fight pit for the neighborhood kids.

When I was young, my folks let me run around the neighborhood until the sun went down. Now these helicopter parents call the police as soon as their little Tommys and Jimmys step foot in my custom-built brawl hole.

I spent months excavating my backyard so the youths of our community could congregate in peace and then congregate in a violent dirt hole melee. Do you know how long it takes to organize a seventy-kid round-robin fight bracket? I had to adjust for age, height, weight, and approximate bashing ability. I’m no weekend warrior. (The fight pit is open seven days a week.)

Every kid battling in the fight pit is supervised. My buddies love to watch the action. If anything, my fight pit is too safe. I make sure there are only four kids at one time trying to gain…



Devin Wallace

Humor Writer and Cat Dad. Featured in McSweeneys, Slackjaw, The Broadway Beat, and on the bathroom stalls of Brooklyn’s worst bars. @thedevinwallace