At Floodgates Weekly, We Will Publish Anything

Our web publication aims to pair two things: your terrible, seemingly un-publishable writing and our incessant need for content.

Philip Kean


Original artwork by the author

Our web publication aims to pair two things: your terrible, seemingly unpublishable writing and our incessant need for content.

Here are our submission guidelines: Send anything. Just text it to us. See how easy and unpretentious that was?

Some pieces from Floodgates that you may already be familiar with:

  • Stefanie, this is your grandmother, I hope I have your email right
  • Bombs!
  • bananas, paper towels, rice wine vinegar, broccoli (organic), toothpaste, cold cuts, ground meat (if they have it, get the veal/pork/b…
  • @buttstuff
  • Final Notice: Please ensure payment is made no later than June 6th. If you have already made your payment, please disregard this notice. If you need
  • Star Wars: The Phantom Menace
  • Stefanie, is this you? I can’t find my med
  • clerfergerborghsht.

If you have put words onto paper, computer, notepad, or napkin, we will publish the fuck out of those words. We once…

