Charles Bukowski Lists His Shithole On Airbnb

Tod Brubaker
Published in
2 min readSep 25, 2020


Illustration by Mary Sette


Drunks! Lunatics! Suicides! This tiny, squalid one-room dump offers all the pleasures of the damned. It’s just steps away from a titty bar, racetrack, liquor store, and the gutter.

Picture yourself sitting in front of the dingy window with a bottle of cheap wine watching trains go by. Yes, this seedy gem is right next to an elevated subway line. If you can ignore the cruel, ugly, demented faces of the passengers, it’s way better than having a TV. The room suddenly fills with light, there’s a brief clatter and roar, then you’re enveloped by sweet darkness again. Trains come along every fifteen minutes, so there’s constant entertainment.

If you have nothing and you want nothing…if your only agenda is to be left alone to drink, rage, weep, fuck, and go mad, then this bleak tomb of a room will be your palace.


Room, kitchen, bathroom. Never upgraded! What else does a man need, besides a hard-on?

Conveniently located at the corner of Terror Street and Agony Way. That’s a book of poems. Look it up.

Some mornings you’re going to wake up, look at that big hole in the ceiling and the cockroaches skittering across the peeling walls…

