Creative Photo Ideas For Your Favorite Inspirational Quotes

An Instagram guide

Lindsey Adams
3 min readDec 5, 2019


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“A room without books is like a body without a soul.” Cicero

A photo of you cuddled under a cashmere throw on a chocolate leather armchair, a classic-looking book open and set aside, a mug of nothing in your hands. Girlish braids, dead eyes, and a subtle, pink lip.

“A woman is like a tea bag; you never know how strong it is until it’s in hot water.” Eleanor Roosevelt

A photo of you and your six best-looking girlfriends, sitting together on one couch, laughing at an inside joke over a bottle of rosé. At least three girlfriends wearing ankle booties, deep self-loathing, and a brunette friend who slept with your dad.

“Where there is love there is life.” Mahatma Gandhi

A photo of you in a loose-fitting, hotel bathrobe perched on the edge of an oversized marble bathtub, holding a glass of champagne. Sex kitten hair, thigh bruises, and a blush pink lip. Rose petals scattered on the floor, trust issues, and a Sugar Daddy with a preference for anal lurking in the doorway.

“I alone cannot change the world, but I can cast a stone across the water to create many ripples.” Mother Teresa

A photo of you sitting at a small café table, laptop open, next to an untouched cappuccino and croissant, and a neat stack of $100 bills. Your hair pulled back in a messy bun, narcissistic tendencies, and a neutral lip. Camel stilettos and 50 grams of plastic-wrapped cocaine shoved up your vagina.

“Life is not measured by the number of breaths you take but by the moments that take your breath away.” Maya Angelou

A photo of you standing in the surf in a bandeau bikini wearing oversized hoop earrings. Stranded and alone on an island in remotest part of the Pacific Ocean, with no way to call for help, your hair pulled back in a flirty top knot, shaking uncontrollably, with a bright pink lip. Bangle bracelets, drinking your own urine, unresolved boundary issues, and eating the flesh of your decomposing photo crew.

“Two roads diverged in a wood, and I — I took the one less traveled by, and that has made all the difference.” Robert Frost

A photo of you trapped in a remote ski chalet after encountering a murderous psychopath. Wearing a chunky knit sweater and knee high boots, huddled breathlessly in a closet. Your hair in ombre flowing waves, the bodies of your bludgeoned friends bleeding out on the kitchen floor. A sudden chill coursing through your body upon realizing the murderer is your childhood best friend, exacting a slaughterous revenge for not inviting her to your 13th birthday party two decades ago because you were ashamed of your friendship with the socially awkward, overweight girl. Silence except for the sound of your own heartbeat. A chilled bottle of Prosecco on the counter, profound regret, and sticky, hot blood oozing under the closet door as you watch the doorknob slowly turn.

“One can never consent to creep when one feels an impulse to soar.” Helen Keller

A photo of you floating through space after a sudden and catastrophic detachment from the space shuttle. An oversized spacesuit and a coy side pony. Oxygen to keep you alive long enough to anticipate your impending demise and the futility of fighting it. The body of your crewmate floating grotesquely in tandem, a useless panic setting in as you begin slowly suffocating. The endless, vacant expanse around you enveloping your entirety as you float helplessly into the abyss. Smoky, terror-stricken eyes and a glossy coral lip.

