Criticism From Past Lovers Or Feedback From My Spin Instructor?

This seems like it’s your first time.

Rory McNab
2 min readJun 24, 2021


A spin class instructor. Photo by Erlend Ekseth on Unsplash

Sir, if you knew you were going to sweat this much, you should’ve brought your own towel.

Your grunting is throwing some of the other participants off their stride.

You clearly didn’t hydrate properly beforehand.

That’s not included in the annual fee.

Did you not see the list of suitable clothing options suggested in my introductory email?

Please remember to wipe the seat down when you’re done.

Your diet really isn’t conducive to adequate performance.

No, I will not change the music; you know I can only perform to Destiny’s Child.

Your warm-up routine leaves a lot to be desired.

Surely, you should be ready to go again by now?

You left your Subway loyalty card in the bathroom last week.

Control your breathing.

Pay attention, you could learn a thing or two from my technique.

You don’t actually need to wear a helmet in here.

Maybe you shouldn’t have had such a big lunch beforehand?

When the chorus hits, I need you to give it all you’ve got.

If you’re that red this early into proceedings, you should see a doctor.

I told you to take things slow.

It’s just distracting when you try to talk about your favourite podcasts.

Try not to focus on the pain.

You shouldn’t compare yourself to them, they have much more experience than you.

If you’re not going to try, you’re wasting not just my time, but your own time.

If you knew you were about to get sick, why didn’t you say something?

We aren’t really equipped to deal with this much baggage.

Try not to get distracted by your reflection in the big mirror.

You don’t need to put your hand up for permission to use the bathroom.

If you don’t work on your technique you’ll pull a muscle.

Remember to clean the equipment, other people have to use it afterwards.

Next week’s appointment is cancelled.

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Rory McNab

Systematically bringing shame to the idea of writing since becoming broadly literate, circa 1998.