Dave & The Dog

Are your mommy and daddy home? No? Alone as usual.

Robert Criss


Photo by Marliese Streefland on Unsplash

Dave sees his neighbor’s dog.

Dave: Hey, buddy. What are you doin’? Playin’ in the yard by yourself? Huh? Who’s a good boy? Who’s a good boy? Yes you are. Yes you are a good boy.

Can you sit for me? Ready? Sit! Look at me. Sit! Over here. Sit! Come here. Sit and you’ll get a treat. Oh now you’ll sit, I see. Now that there’s a treat involved you’ll sit, huh? Here you go, buddy. Good boy, that’s a good boy. Good boys who listen get treats. Yes they do. Yes they do.

Where’s your mommy and daddy? Is your mommy and daddy home? No? I guess it’s just us then. Alone as usual; we’ve got that in common.

Are you chasing your tail? Yeah? Are you running around in circles trying to bite your own tail? I think you are. You’re so silly. You’re such a silly boy. Yes you are. Yes you are a silly boy. You’re gonna tire yourself out buddy. You’re gonna get dizzy and fall over. And if you catch your tail, what happens then? Huh? You’re gonna bite your own bum? Yes you are. Yes you are gonna bite your bum. You remind me of myself watching you do that. Going round and round as the years go by.

Uh-oh, I think someone wants another treat. Okay, but I only have one left and that’s it. Can you sit? Oh, it was right away that time…



Robert Criss

humor writer feat. in Slackjaw, Points in Case, Weekly Humorist, 251, Little Old Lady Comedy, Robot Butt, Flexx Mag. robertcriss.net