David Attenborough Presents: A Hungover Thirty-Something Female Starting Her Day

Kelly Shanley
Published in
4 min readJun 30, 2020


Photo by Sydney Sims on Unsplash

Here we have a hungover thirty-something female who has awoken, debilitated, after a rare, wild night out. She came home, drunk, alone (again), and endured a restless night of vomiting and bumping into walls.

We find her the next morning. She has managed to get to her feet and is headed for the coffee maker. Coffee is a resource commonly sought out by the hungover thirty-something. It’s a reliable source of energy, helps with aching in the head, and also smells good.

Many thirty-somethings experience symptoms of coffee withdrawal every morning and rely heavily on this resource, hungover or not. Observe how she puts the coffee together as if on auto-pilot; how quickly she lifts and separates the filter; the exact pouring of six cups of water without even looking (yes, just for her); the burial of the nose in the coffee can for the deep inhale of its healing aromas. She has been here before.

As the coffee brews, our thirty-something contemplates the options for breaking her fast: walk to the diner and procure a breakfast burrito, drive through a fast-food restaurant and purchase the entire breakfast menu, or scavenge for leftovers in the fridge.

She opens the refrigerator, searching for prey. There, she’s spotted it: an avocado. A…



Kelly Shanley

LA based writer/podcaster/comedian/mountain girl at heart. Outdoor lover, world traveler, loud laugher. https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/kelly-shanley