Dear Person Standing Right In Front Of Door,
Hello, I am a person leaving the building. A building, if you’re not aware, is a thing that holds other things. Sometimes, things go into the building. Other times, like right now, things come out of it.
Perhaps you’re confused by the technology. There are several kinds of ingress/egress points called “doors” through which people can enter and exit: doors that open out, doors that open in, and revolving doors that make you feel like a freeloader when the person behind you pushes harder than you do.
Here’s a pro tip: People can exit buildings regardless of door type, so if you’re standing directly in front of these doors, you will eventually encounter other humans.
Another thing to consider: Since people will also enter the building through these doors (This is a lot to remember, I know, but bear with me), it is conceivable, even likely, that someone will appear from behind you. This can be unnerving.
This phenomenon is not limited to buildings. Here is a non-exhaustive list of other things that things come out of:
- teepees
- football stadiums (American football and soccer)
- elevators
- elevator shafts
- Volkswagen Beetles
- birthday cakes (large)