Escape Room: Pandemic Toddler Mom Edition

Choose one of these banal adventures below or suffer through them all in 24 hours!

Lisa Allison Pertoso


Photo by Priscilla Du Preez on Unsplash

The Bathroom

Difficulty level: 6.75/10

# of Players: 1 adult inside the room, 2 outside

Your secret mission is to take a complete shit without being disturbed. The door lock is broken and you must fend off your two-and-a-half-year-old who demands to see “Mommy’s monster poopie,” and your husband who insists he needs his floss for a chia seed incisor emergency. You have 52 seconds before your bowels become a family affair.

The Office

Difficulty level: 3/10

# of Players: 1 in the office, 3–5 on Zoom, 1 toddler sticking her hands underneath the door like the alien from the movie Signs

Crisis during your Friday all-hands meeting! Instead of ending the call at 4:45 pm, your unwoke boss Mr. Hyde is holding the team hostage for a mindfulness torture-building workshop. With Enya playing in the background you must turn off your video and draw your spirit animal while four-count breathing. Only a toddler can save you now! Open the door, hand your wireless keyboard to your offspring and pray she’s nimble enough to disconnect the call before “Orinoco Flow”…

