Every Day We Must Ask, “What The Fuck Is This Shit?” With Compassion And Mindfulness

Alex Baia
Published in
4 min readFeb 21, 2022


Zen Buddhist Monk Meditating
Zen Monk from Pixabay


Does life wear you down until you are exhausted and raw?

Do you toss and turn each night then wake up each morning and say, “oh shit, I just can’t”?

You are not alone.

We have all stood naked on the precipice of existence and seen our peace of mind slip away like sand.

We have all turned on a smartphone, been confronted with a notification that our screen-time is up 400%, and screamed, “No no no no, fuck fuck fuck fuck.”

In Zen we call this, “Mind-Like-Fucking-Please-No.”

Let us turn inward and examine.

When you pry open your email in the morning, a certain experience is all too common.

You observe some message, say from a colleague or a boss, and the totality of this person’s fuckery disarms you.

And you cry out: “Fuck! Do I really have to respond to this fucking shit?”

It is so important to say these words while also feeling love in your heart.

“Didn’t Janelle already send that pie chart two days ago?” you rage.



Alex Baia

Humor writer, book junkie, stargazer, optimist. Resident philosophy major. Get my humor newsletter: https://alexbaia.com/humor