Exclusive from Brazil: Rio creates Pokemon lanes for the Olympic Games

Rio cria Pokemon via para os jogos Olímpicos

Leandro Demori
2 min readAug 5, 2016


RIO DE JANEIRO — After creating several tracks for cyclists and official cars for 2016 Summer Games, the city of Rio de Janeiro has decided to create an emergency Pokemon Lane. With the arrival of the wildly popular Pokemon Go app in Brazil this week, millions of Pokemons have landed at the international airport of Rio de Janeiro, causing mass confusion and leading to a potential disaster.

“We are thinking of the security of the athletes,” said the mayor of Rio.

The exclusive tracks for Pokemon Go players will feature motion-detected sound signaling at their edges so that people do not have to take remove their gaze from the phone screens, and run the risk of losing their Olympic competition.

More importantly, containment barriers will also be installed to prevent people from falling into the waters of Rio. Tragically, a Pokemon Go player went down yesterday into the Guanabara Bay and was eventually dissolved by the polluted water, and then eaten by a Pokemon shark.

(thanks, Bramatti)

Rio cria Pokemon via para os jogos Olímpicos

RIO DE JANEIRO — Após criar diversas faixa para ciclistas e para carros oficiais dos Jogos 2016, a prefeitura do Rio de Janeiro decidiu criar uma Pokemon Lane. Com a chegada do aplicativo Pokemon Go no Brasil, diversos pokemons desembarcaram no aeroporto internacional do Rio de Janeiro desde ontem, causando confusão.

“Estamos pensando na segurança dos atletas”, declarou o prefeito do Rio.

As faixas exclusivas para jogadores de Pokemon Go terão sinalização sonora para que as pessoas não precisem tirar os olhos das telas do celular, correndo o risco de perder algum recorde olímpico.

Além disso, barreiras de contenção também serão instaladas para evitar que as pessoas caiam na água. Ontem, um jogador de Pokemon Go caiu na Baía de Guanabara e acabou sendo dissolvido pela água poluída (ou comido por um pokemon tubarão).

(obrigado, Bramatti)

