EZ School Projects You Can Do At Home

Your teachers have added new mind-blowing experiments to the school’s curriculum.

Lynn I. Hsu


Hey kids,

Now that you’re stuck at home with remote learning, we teachers know that you little Einsteins miss the fun, hands-on projects you used to do in school. Lucky for you, we’ve come up with some EZ activities that require minimal supervision at home. Sure, the time for prep and clean up may take hours, but parents know that even five minutes of learning these days is priceless. They will be thrilled to transform your home base into an innovative lab space for these fun experiments.

Physics: Newton’s Laws of Motion

MATERIALS: Condiment bottle (ketchup, BBQ, mustard). If not available, use a slingshot and a dozen raw eggs.

DESCRIPTION: The effects of Newton’s Laws of Motion and gravity on a moving projectile can be demonstrated by a hands-on approach: squirting ketchup from a bottle. Use a protractor to change up the angle of the squirt, and a ruler to measure the horizontal distance and vertical height of the splatter on your kitchen floors, walls, and ceiling. Plot these marks on a graph. If the bottle jams up, just stomp it.

History: Diorama



Lynn I. Hsu

Writer + Cartoonist for The New Yorker, Weekly Humorist, Airmail, Slackjaw, others. lynnihsu.com, Comics: www.instagram.com/loopyline